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Contemporary Character Education In American Primary And Middle School And Its Enlightenment

Posted on:2013-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374993015Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Character education in Ameirca,being part of its moral education, has becomethe most prevalent and foreseeing moral education model in American primary andmiddle schools, reviving gradually in the1980s. At present, character education inAmeirca is supported by people from all walks of life; different researches prove thatit is effective in improving students’ conducts and fostering their characters. Thepaper makes special efforts on the study of the reviving, development, characteristics,and value of the contemporary American character education, by using a variety ofmethods: reviewing,combining history with logic, compairson, and beinginterdisciplinary etc.The first patr of the paper summarizes the domestic and foreign researchsituation and elaborates the research signiifcance, the research mentality and theresearch technique of the article and carrys on the explanation to the core concepts.The second part of the paper devotes itself to a study of the history of Americancharacter education, making an analysis of the necessity both in history and in logic ofits contemporary revival in America.The third part is concerned with the practice of character education which aimsto bring about an all-round development in children, students and citizens. Theteaching materials provided are centered around the core value system of the society,implemented through some overt specially-tailored courses,and meanwhileintegrating the academic courses,moral atmosphere, physical settings andextracurricular activities. Besides, it has made great achievements far beyond thetraditional moral education because it connects successfully the family with the community and makes use of a vairety of methods such as setting up examples,discussing in panels, narrating, and disciplines in a comprehensive way.The fourth part makes a summary of the features and at the same time makes acomment on it. The paper makes some revelations of the features of the currentAmerican character education: emphasizing positive education and turning to thetradition; laying stress on the core value system and singing highly of Ameircan spirit;attaching importance to emotion education and paying special attention to charactertraining; connecting the family with community and welcoming the citizensparticipating; structuirng the assessing system and highlighting the effect. Atferwards,the paper evaluates its value and limits.The last part of the paper is about the enlightenment on the school moraleducation in China. The theory and practice of American character education shedslight on moral education in China. The traditional beneifcial heritage in China must bepassed on from generation to generation; at the same time we should spare no effortsin reforming the present education system in China. Duirng the process we shouldstick to some principles: taking a cirtical perspective, highlighting the socialist valuesystem, cultivating quality-oirented education, creating new teaching methods,integrating the school, family and society, uniting the theory and practice, andconstructing a scientific assessing system for moral education.
Keywords/Search Tags:America, Character education, Moral education, Enlightenment
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