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Identity Of Rural Teachers

Posted on:2013-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330371469836Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper mainly research the currently rural teacher identity condition throughthe investigation and study, such as questionnaires and interviews. Go deep into thelocal countryside,investigate teachers, parents, students, the villagers to understandthe actual situation. Analyze teacher’s practical situation. And put forward somemeasures to solve the problem.The first part is the introduction, including why we research the present researchsituation the research’s aim and how to research. We think the main problem of themoment of China rural teachers is no longer a simple quantity, quality and treatmentissues, but the growing teacher identity crisis.The second part analyses the environment background of the current rural teachers.Include the new curriculum, social expectation. Society requires teachers withdevotion. This tradition started from the folk imagination, finally settling down byhistory. This idea emerged from the neglect of a "human”, requests the teacherbecome their idea teachers. As a member of society, the teacher must exist as ateacher’s human. The new curriculum reform to teachers’professional identity, whichis a new life, gives them more professional autonomy, and professional developmentopportunities. There many difference between reality and expectation, in the face ofthe deep and wide reform teachers irate in enormous pressure at the limited teachingresources and subject to detailed instruction curriculum reform as well as a series ofprovisions of the teaching guide.The third part analyses the rural teacher’s present situation from the local actualcondition, mainly from the questionnaire and interviews.The questionnaire includesteachers’ self identity and social identity. Interview representative teachers andanalysis their situation.The fourth part analyzes the effects of rural teacher identity factors based on theresults of the investigation. We analyze the factors include not know what course totake on to reform of curriculum, the expectation of the society, the environment andthe pressure of rural school management, government spending and regulatory issues,rural teachers’ justice and the reasons for the status quo.The last part analyses of the problem situation and put forward some measures andsuggestions for reform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Education, Rural teachers, Identity, Strategy
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