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Research On Implementation Of The City Minimum Living Security Policy In Model Of Mazmanian-Sabatier

Posted on:2013-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395951846Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is not a gift but a legal obligation for the country which establishes the minimumliving standard security system to make the poor citizens obtain the service and care intheir life. As a new arrangement, the residents’ minimum living standard securitysystem in modern cities is a sort of relief system which gives people more powerful andmore efficient protection. It has the following characteristics: First of all, it has greatlyimproved the standardization and institutionalization of relief and the level of legalsystem. Secondly, the coverage of relief objects are constantly expanding and thefunction of social security is daily increasing. Thirdly, relief standards and levels aremuch increased. Fourthly, the fixed and reliable finance has ensured the fullimplementation of this system. In this paper, through the analysis of implementationissues of the minimum living security policy in Shenyang City and its analysis, theauthor proposes some workable policy recommendations to departments of Shenyangcivil affairs.The first part of this paper is the introduction, which has briefly introduced theresearch, theoretical and practical significance, research methods and researchprospects, and so on of the implementation process of the urban minimum livingsecurity policy. The second part of this paper states the contents and significance of theurban minimum living security policy, and also states some basic concept like thetheoretical connotation of Plum-Sa Model. The focuses of this part are the practical useof the Plum-Sa Model in the process of analyzing the implementation of the policy. In thethird part, through the investigations and interviews, it tries to understand the commonissues of Shenyang urban minimum living security polity during the execution. In thefourth part, based on the Plum-Sa Model, combined with local realities of Shenyang,it has analyzed the reasons for the formation of the above problems. For the cause of theproblems, the fifth part has proposed the corresponding recommendations to solve theseproblems. The sixth part is the conclusion. It has looked back the achievements andshortcomings of the implementation of Shenyang minimum living security policy since itformally carried out14years ago, and as well it has taken the outlook for the future implementation of this policy.A policy, no matte how reasonably itself, without the effective implementation,it is just a piece of paper. Policy implementation has never been the only matter of theexecutors. It not only need executors’ the good understanding of the policy as well as thepowerful control, but also need the recognition and support of policy objects so that thepolicy objects can fully understand and use the policy related non-policy factors. All inall, policy implementation is a complex, multi-process, which is worthy of ourlong-term research and exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Minimum living security, Policy implementation, Mazmanian-Saba-tier Model
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