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Network Involved In The Formulation Of Public Policy Influence And Countermeasure Reasearch

Posted on:2013-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S X SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330371976832Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The occurrence of network changes the way how people work and live greatly, it is not just an platform on which people entertainment,but also an convenient channel that people express their wish and achieve their social value. So we can say that network participation is the tendency and direction of people using network to reflect their opinion,and the mixture reflection of people’s opinion about event or one thing or one topic. To adapt that network participation offer more advantages wich participation body is more equal and extensive, expressing public opinion is more safe and economical, which can promote the construction and scientificalization and democracy of public policy, generate important mechanism of democratic values. At the same time, by the netizen participation consciousness, rational low without forming a collection of network public opinion mechanism, the lack of efficient public opinion transmission channel, the network legislation, related system is not perfect and other unfavorable factors, network participation also has representative expression of weak, irrational, the tyranny of the majority of negative effects of, need to take measures to expand the network of public opinion, representative users, improve political participation quality, normative netizen politics rules, so we can make the function the network public opinion for the public policy optimization is much better.
Keywords/Search Tags:network, network participation, public policy
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