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Asymmetry Of Gender Marker Research In Modern Chinese

Posted on:2013-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330395490714Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Gender differences in language are universal. The study of the relationship between language and gender focuses on the phenomenon and the results caused by gender factor.Because of the strong explanatory, Markedness theory has been widely used to study the problem of language. It provides a new basis and thoughts to explain the sex differences in language. Using the relevant principles of markedness theory to interpret the relationship between language and gender systematically, summarize the modern Chinese gender mark asymmetry phenomenon, and explore the reasons can further reveals Chinese sexual characteristics. It can enrich the content of language research, expand the scope of the language and gender studies and deepen the understanding between the sexes.In general, modern Chinese which refer to male are unmarked, but words referring to female are tagged. Formal, most female nouns are in the form of special features marks, with a "female" by the word. There are many words with gender restrictions. The object they refer to has evident sexual orientation. Female words of pejorative connotation are more obvious. Distribution, generally following the order of female after male. Men morphemes can be inverted while women morphemes can rarely be inverted. At the same time, the Chinese gender marked asymmetry are obvious in the appellation, names and common sayings. Appellation, male appellation is not marked and female appellation is marked. Some words reflecting gender relations and social status are absent. Name, surname was largely derived from paternal, and men and women are in different names. The idiom, proverb, generally in accordance with the first male and female order, words alleged male are commendatory, and words alleged female are more derogatory.To a certain extent, the gender mark asymmetric phenomenon reflects the discrimination against women. In addition to the language cognitive reason, men are dominant in the economic the fixed domestic division of labor model of "men outside and women stay" and feudal ideological indoctrination of "women are inferior to men" are the main reasons. With the progress of society, female independent consciousness is enhanced, and the value of people broke through the traditional shackles, to the diversified development. The trend that men are master has weakened; the words with original discrimination meanings have lost these derogatory meanings and become just the expression of a certain things or phenomena in terms of men and women. People’s values are fundamentally changed and "the equality of the sexes " thought gradually infiltrated into every aspect of society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese, gender mark, asymmetry, reason
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