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Valencia Regional Investigation And Study Of The Use Of Teaching Material Of Zero Starting Point

Posted on:2013-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330377950851Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article combines mainly with the teaching practice in the Valencia region ofSpain. Compared and analyzed mainly according to the Teaching Chinese as a foreignlanguage (TCFL) teaching materials aimed at the beginning learners in Spain, to make athrough in how to use the teaching materials better for the beginning learners in Spain. andimprove it.First, I demonstrated the requirement of the study and analyze of the TCFL teachingmaterials. Then I summarized the foreign situation of the TCFL teaching materials, and thetheory and the course of evaluation that this article based on.The study range was set mainly at the Valencia region of Spain. Compared andanalyzed all the teaching materials we can find there, and the difference between theteaching needs and the learning needs according to the mistakes learners frequently madein teaching practice, and try to find ways to prove the matching degree, and try to applysuggestion and help in how to compile better TCFL teaching materials for beginnerlearners in Spain.At last, I compared and analyzed the two most frequently used Spanish teaching textbooks in China. It reflects the different thoughts of the two books’ compiling. And thatcaused by the difference of the two languages. I tried to apply practical suggestions anduseful experience for the better TCFL materials to the Spanish students.Overall, in my article, I supply some materials could be studied from my summaryand analysis of my experience. And give some suggestion that have possibility to beoperated. This could be useful to improve the construction and the classification of theChinese teaching materials to the Spanish students in Spain.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Spanishbeginner learners, Teaching materials, Matching of the requirement
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