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Analyses The Original Tendencies Of Western Modern Painting

Posted on:2013-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y JieFull Text:PDF
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Late19th century and early20th century, a wave of returning to the original art was set offin the West art. In the "unconventional" era, traditional art was beyond doubt the standard hasbeen developed to the extreme, lost its vigor and vitality. Artists began the construction ofanother curious, looking for a new and out of the traditional ways to fight the traditionalcivilization of Europe, breaking the "European Central theory". In the development process ofthis tendency, prehistoric art, Oriental civilization, indigenous art of Africa, Oceania, and thechildren’s graffiti painting art providing a new source of inspiration for artists in the reformtradition. A number of artists, like Gauguin, Matisse, Picasso, Dubuffet,learn an importantdriving force of changing Western art tradition from pure and simple original art, launch amassive and persistent "original" wave of revolution, through Fauvism, Cubism, Expressionism,and hyper-realism, and many other genres, and even reverse the direction of the development ofWestern art itself. This is a fact, as well as a tendency. Berlin free University, Renk femalescholars have proposed a new definition of modernism, pointed out that the basic trend is theoriginal doctrine.Although modern artists were enamored of the original art, but their work in the original isnot the same as the original art, which cross the history of art, seemingly back in but in reality isan innovative approach. Hegel once said:"the use of means of setback to achieve progress, fromthe viewpoint of dialectics, setbacks and progress is also important in the history, because theworld needs a running process.” To beyond the point of reference for modern artists, original artfor a revolutionary innovation, give the works of new characteristics of the times and spiritualcontent. But the return has not yet been completed, Today, diversity, pluralism in artdevelopment, how to study and learn from traditional culture, how to choose and start your ownart, original tendency in modern painting gives us some enlightenment, give a positivesignificance for our art, also provide a reflection on backgrounds for contemporary artists’artistic creation, expanding a thinking space.This body is divided into three chapters, focusing on two or three chapters. Involved in thefirst chapter explains the context of the "original" covered by the scope of this phenomenon andsocial background, and points out that modern artists in terms of skill, concept art on the art ofthe original reference. Chapter II on a number of painters and their works with original analysis,exploring their paintings in the "original" sources, to prove the fact that original art devoted tomodern artists’ reference, displaying undeniable role for traditional art to modern art in thetransition. Chapter III through the comparison of similar above to explore the difference between original and original art by nature, that primitive art has profound impact on the formation anddevelopment of modern art, and further study of modern painting in the original significance ofthe subject.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern Painting, Primitive Tendencies, Reference, Beyond
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