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Introduction To Professor Wang's Clinical Experience In The Treatment Of Diabetes With Head Of Gangrene

Posted on:2013-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2244330395979104Subject:Internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine clinical
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Diabetes combined with head of gangrene equals to modern medicinediabetes complicated with carbuncle.It is one of the clinically commoncomplication of diabetes.It will not only lead to variational symptomeasily,but is also difficult to cure which relapses repeatedly. Inclinical,its treatment is very thorny.My teacher has read traditional andmodern medical literature widely thus is accomplished in medicaltheory. With a rich clinical experience of more than10years,he has hisown unique insights about diabetes combined with head of gangrenetreatment.He considered diabetes combined with head of gangrenepathogenesis is mainly due to the great length of time in illness thusleading to the weakness of both qi and yin.Finally toxic heat accumulatesand generates slough and pus in the skin under the influence of variouspathogenic factors.In clinical treatment,he treats it based on syndromedifferentiation,combining external treatment with western medicinetreatment and integrating prevention with control in stages according toits different development stages.He pays attention to the application ofsupporting vital qi to eliminating pathogen and nourishing qi and blood inthe whole course of disease development particularly and achieves perfect effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:diabetes complicated with carbuncle, diabetes, head ofgangrene, treatment based on syndrome differentiation
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