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Chongqing Southwest Of The Ancient Architectural Aesthetics Research

Posted on:2013-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P XiongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2242330362969154Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Architecture in historic towns of southwestern Chongqing, hadconcentrated the building wisdom of habitants in the mountainous region forthousands of years. As a meaningful style, Architecture in historic towns hadbeen characterized both materially and spiritually.Being evolved from specific geographic and cultural circumstance,Architecture in historic towns had formed a distinctive style in Chinese ancientarchitecture art, which was also a typical traditional pattern in southwesternChongqing. Analyze and research its aesthetic value will be significant to thearchitecture trends in the modernization, and can also complement researches onChinese ancient architecture. This paper starts from analyzing on theconstruction entity, after a profoundly analysis, try to uncover its culturalimplications,and the revelation for today’sArchitectural art of Chongqing.The emergence and development of ancient towns of southwesternChongqing can neither be separated from the southwest mountain valleyregion’s historical and cultural traditions, nor be separated from the growth of temporal and spatial conditions, and also is inseparable from the local socialenvironment. This paper, based on the local historical and cultural backgroundand the geographical conditions, gives a comprehensive anatomy of the ancienttowns, paving the way for the analysis of the southwestern region of Chongqingtown building entities, aesthetic characteristics and aesthetic pursuit.Secondly, the breakthrough of the construction of their own practicalityfunction is a necessity and a prerequisite for its aesthetic value. This paperdiscusses the form of entity of the Chongqing Southwestern town buildings toanalyze entities of the ancient town buildings. This paper describes the point thatthe ancient town constructions are the psalms of earth, wood, bamboo and stonefrom two dimensions including material selection and decorative artisticconception. Besides, the decorative artistic conception of the ancient townconstructions including decorative colors, decorative patterns and decorativetechniques are analyzed.Thirdly, when the buildings met the most basic practical purposes,people began to pour their deep cultural connotation such as their values, aesthetic psychology, beliefs, emotions, national character and so son to thebuildings. This is what this article wants to reveal eventually. This paperexplores the aesthetic pursuits and aesthetic features of the southwestern town ofChongqing,include aesthetic thought context In harmony with nature,and theSpace to pursue not only Soaring but also restraining,and this paper alsoshow the ancient town constructions contain strong practical and rational values,and plain and simple ritual system thinking.The end of the article concludes that ancient town in SouthwesternChongqing constructions are the condensed physical carriers of the Bayu culturereflecting the region’s residents of feelings such as loving life, harmony withnature,even reverence for nature. Of course, the aesthetic ideas of the ancienttown buildings should also self adjust, rationally choose and be mergedinnovations to contemporary architecture art.
Keywords/Search Tags:southwestern of Chongqing, architecture ofancient towns, aesthetics
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