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“shi…de” Structure And It Is Used In Teaching Chinese As A Foreign Language

Posted on:2014-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398958253Subject:Foreign Language Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“shi…de” structure is ubiquitous in Chinese language expression,and it is one of the mostimportant grammatical structure;meanwhile “shi…de” structure is also a key point and difficultyin Teaching Chinese as a foreign language.Therefore, to strengthen the ontology research and thestudy of Teaching Chinese as a foreigh language of structure “shi…de”, has a practical and deepmeaning to the overseas students,and it is helpful for them to get a clear picture of “shi…de”structure and use it correctly.On the basis of summarizing the previous theoretical achievementsand objective cruising data,some rudimentary ideas is proposed in this paper. Hope through thisarticle’s summary, analysis and discussion,we could widen the research vision of “shi…de”structure and also provide a source of reference in Teaching Chinese as a foreigh language.Thepaper consists of the following five chapters:Perface gives an introduction on the research,including the basis foundation of choosing thepresent thesis,the research value,content,status,method and the source of corpus.Chapter1describes the basic connotation of “shi…de” structure,and proposes a classificationbased on Three Plane Theory.Firstly,by summarizing the the previous theoreticalachievements,we defined the “shi…de” structure refered to in this paper;Secondly,we seperatedthe structure from others,and try to answer some of the controversial issues,such as thedifferences between “shi…de” structrue and “shi”+“…de”, the usage of “shi…de” structureand “de” at the end of sentences.Thirdly,“shi…de” structrue was divided into three classes bysyntactic,sementic and pragmatic,according to the Three Plane Theory.Chapter2is the study on “shi…de” structrue’s acqusition order. The research is based oninterlanguage corpus analysis,survey analysis.The paper described the investigation objects,aimand methods in the first,then analysis the data by statistical methods.Last,draw the acquisitionorder of the four basic structural patterns.Chapter3analysed the errors on “shi…de” structrue by overseas students,it is mainly aboutthe classification and the causes of the errors.By collecting and arranging the errors,we didvedthe errors of “shi…de” structrue into four types, such as omission,addition,overrepresentationand disordering.The causes of the errors are the insufficient research on ontology,nagativetransfer of mother tongue,negative transfer of the target language knowledye.Chapter4puts forward suggestions on teaching “shi…de” structrue in Teaching Chinese as aforeigh language.According to the comprehensively analysis of the former two chapter and theselected “shi…de” structrue in the syllabus and the teaching materials,we brought forward fourteaching suggestions:strenthen the study of ontology,focus on the stratification of grammarpoints in teaching materials,focus on the sequentiality and texuality in leading in the grammarstructures,focus on oral practice.Conclusion briefly summarized the content of this paper,including key perspectives,investigative research and teaching tips.At the same time,it re-examine the deficiencies in thepaper for the future improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:“shi…de” structrue, ontology research, error analisis, Teaching Chinese as a foreign language
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