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A Translation Project Report Of "Modern Conflicts In Latin America"

Posted on:2014-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J HanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an academic thesis concerning international relation,“Modern Conflictsin Latin America”, written by Jairo Lugo, is part of The Politics of Conflicts, athesis collection edited by Dr. Vassilis K. Fouskas. It mainly introduces severalmajor conflicts in Latin American countries such as Columbia, Guatemala,Argentina, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Peru, Ecuador, Honduras, Cuba etc. In each ofthese conflicts Lugo describes the time, places, involved parties (organizations orcountries), death toll, and the profundity of the influence on regional military andpolitical affairs.The main contents of this report are divided into four parts. Part One mainlyintroduces the background information of the translation project and its practicalvalue in terms of various diplomatic challenges now China is dealing with; PartTwo gives a brief introduction to Jairo Lugo and Dr. Vassilis Fouskas, as well asthe structure and linguistic features of the source text; next comes Part Three, inwhich English-Chinese translation methods in dealing with proper nouns, passivevoice and complex sentences are illustrated and discussed with the help of specificexamples. Part Four concludes with lessons, implication and unsolved problems inthe translation project.
Keywords/Search Tags:“Modern Conflicts in Latin America”, proper nouns, passive voice, complex sentences, translation methods
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