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A Translation Project Report Of The Truth About Leo By David Yelland

Posted on:2014-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is a translation project report on The Truth about Leo. The selectedsource text contains the first three chapters of the novel. Inspired by the author’sown personal life experiences, the novel tells a story of how a10-year-old boy pullhimself together from the grief after the death of his mother and the becoming ofan alcoholic of his father. The report is divided into four parts, the first partgenerally introduces the translation project, including its background, objectives,significances and the structure; the second part analyses the source text and theguiding theory, including the introduction of the guidance theory-functionalismSkopos theory and its implication on translation, the background of the author, thecontent of the novel and the analysis of the original language. The third partdescribes the difficulties during the translation and translation methods, includingthe analysis of the difficulties and the illustration of translation methods. The lastpart is a summary of the entire project, including the translation experience thetranslator gained and lessons learned, as well as the problem to be resolved.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation project report, Skopos theory, The Truth about Leo, children’s Literature
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