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GuiJu Investigation And Research

Posted on:2014-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T WangFull Text:PDF
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GuiJu is Guilin local opera performances, as well as one of themajor local Chinese operas flourishing in Guangxi. It originated in thelate qing jiaqing, its formation and qing qianlong hunan Qiyang sin toguilin root and has an indispensable relationship long-termperformance. Form, it mainly in predominantly dialect in northGuangxi guilin, liuzhou, wuzhou, Guangxi northern, and southernhunan yongzhou, qi thing belt bordering in Guangxi.GuiJu spoke belongs to spring system, with a chamber is givenpriority to, both Gao Qiang, melodies for kunqu opera, ChuiQiang andcomplex cavity minor, etc. GuiJu music to the plate cavity structure,music accompaniment are divided into "percussion instruments inChinese operas" and "Wen Chang". Indirect fastidious GuiJu singing isexquisite, stage performances, exquisite workmanship, created manyunique stage performance art. GuiJu feet color complete businessclassification, divided into raw, Dan, net, ugly four categories. GuiJurepertoire is numerous, mostly transplants than the skin springsystem class opera repertoire, but sing, NianBai has unique guilindialect features, easy to understand, sui generis. GuiJu roughly experienced the formation of the late qing dynastyin history, the rise of period of the republic of China, a glorious, thecultural revolution in the early period of the founding of the setbacks,and changes after the reform and opening up five times. In which ithas experienced two years and during the period of the republic ofChina in the late qing dynasty is special, the reform of its three timesin the history of the golden period of development.GuiJu in2005is listed as provincial non-material culture heritage,GuiJu in2006was the first listed as state-level non-material culturalheritage list. In the new era, which is located in the cradle GuiJuguilin Guangxi troupe, using historical and geographical advantages,actively create new GuiJu plays with guilin characteristics, buildmodern GuiJu new brand, vigorously carry forward the GuiJutraditional artistic charm. But in today’s society, GuiJu met a greatchallenge to the survival and development, living environment change,the huge loss of audience, GuiJu performance market slump, fadefrom public life. So for GuiJu protection needs governmentpropaganda, professional scholars continue to research, professionaltroupe actors to carry forward the inheritance and the vast majority ofthe people’s support.In this paper, on the basis of literature data and field research,professional theory knowledge, apply what they have learned dramaopera from GuiJu history, drama, performing arts, guilin, Guangxi thehistorical evolution of the troupe and GuiJu today’s woes and futureaspects. About the historical precipitation of ancient operas GuiJubut gradually lost their living space situation to do a comprehensive and objective attention and study.
Keywords/Search Tags:GuiJu, Historical evolution, GuiJu seminaries, Current situation and protection
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