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The Research On Tubote

Posted on:2014-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N YongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398467420Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tubote(1754-1823),an outstanding historical figures of the Xibenationality.He once served as westward migration Xibe camp managerand the Taerbahatai lingdui minister.He was the first person who servedas the laeding secretary and be drawn a portrait in Ziguangge.His maincontribution is that during the period as a manager,he initiative, host, leadthe army and people building the ChaBuZhaEr Canal and conscientiouslyguard the frontier when heserved as the Taerbahatai lingdui minister.Combining with historical documents in manchu and Xibelanguage,this paper analysis Tubote’s life,at the same time,further clarifyhis family background, family members,being the Taerbahatai leadingminister,and exercise the functions of the leading minister,extend andcomplement the study of him in the above several aspects.On the basis ofthe historical documents,combined with his descendants’ orality and thecollection of folk tales,discusses the personality type of him, etc.There are six parts in this article. The first part is preface, introducedthe predecessors’ research and the significance. The second part is the summary of Tubote’s life,basically recovered his life activities, using thenew documents, made his family background cleared.The third part,Tubote and the Chabuchaer Canal, introduced that he played an importantrole of building up the canal,he initiative, host, led the army and thepeople build up the canal, and introduced the impact on the canal. Theforth part, discuss his work on the minister. The fifth part is the impactand evaluation.Discussed his influence from qing dynasty to thecontemporary;Combined with new materials,discussed the reason of hisresidence choices in his later years.The sixth part is theconclusion,summarize his spirit,and discussed the educational meaningof his spirit.On the basis of using the historical data, this paper analyzes his lifeactivities as far as possible, hope that there are more objective and morecomprehensive understanding of him, and give some help to the futureresearch on Tubote.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tubote, Xibo camp, Chabuchaer canal
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