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Mu Shiying’s Novels And Shanghai Regional Culture Study

Posted on:2013-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395479467Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The1930s Shanghai, through continuous rapid development, modernizationdegree already high, become can and New York, Paris and other internationalmetropolitan equate big cities. She in all respects with the traditional Chinese otherareas showed obvious difference, and gradually formed a unique connotation and theShanghai regional culture, it is in this special regional culture atmosphere, Shanghailiterature emerged. And as its important branch of new feeling sent writers is in thisatmosphere, make full use of this new city absorbed cultural brings the nutrition andinspiration, created a great number of outstanding works, Shanghai literature risingprosperity of the market, among them MuShiYing is a typical representative. He notedthat the new culture to urbanite brought an unprecedented change, physically andpsychologically, and spiritual level or the moral level, have been deeply engraved theurban mark, this city brand has its positive side, natural negative side, it is shown as avicious, extravagant flashy living condition, even against the traditional twisteddeformity interpersonal relationship, so it has to look for the MuShiYing hidden inthat new and old age alternate, new culture rise in the abnormal prosperity for thepeople behind the spiritual nature and their inner oppression, and appeal. As a newsense of Chinese poetry pie, MuShiYing in Shanghai regional culture background ofnot only how a nuanced human nature of ups and downs, deeply explore the innerspiritual qualities of the characters, and will Shanghai regional culture brings newsubjects for literature, new language and new skills, etc very perfect in his novel texts,and readers for showing a new vision of reading. MuShiYing it is by the regionalculture and nourish the infiltration, causes him to Shanghai this city has a deepunderstanding and successfully description and performance of the Shanghai cultureand customs, the completion of the Shanghai imagination and writing, thus pushingthe China Shanghai literature of the urban literature and the prosperity anddevelopment.This thesis mainly points from three parts MuShiYing novel and to explore therelationship between Shanghai regional culture. The first chapter basicallyperformance in the1930s Shanghai regional culture to people with the pursuit of anideal world values and the influence, and to focus on the comparison is representativeof the city businessman, bottom citizens, young students and scholars city the fourfigures, so as to performance Shanghai regional culture at that time to the character ofthe change and they reflect on the Shanghai cultural characteristics. The secondchapter basically performance MuShiYing novel in Shanghai culture under theinfluence of the spiritual dimension of the show with characteristics, in the city of theliving condition of the deep mining, MuShiYing revealed the novel contains densetragic complex. The third rules and focus on performance by the western modernShanghai culture in the influence of the text MuShiYing novel present, through theselection of subject matter of Shanghai city, the film techniques, the application of streaming heart monologue consciousness and unique language style four commonfinished MuShiYing on Shanghai’s writing and imagination.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban culture, personal characteristics, Mental state, Text presents
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