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Study Of Language Style Of Shi Tiesheng’s Novels

Posted on:2013-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377959651Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shi Tiesheng, who is a great influential writer in the Chinesecontemporary literature.He overcomes his disability, constantly thinksabout things and never stops writing, and has created a series of excellentworks with different language style for over twenty years in his writingcareer. Based on his masterly writing ability, remarkable aptitude andstrong will, his works lead to a strong hold on the public reading. Amongthese works, whether proses or novels left deep impressions.on readers.And some of the works were chosen as classic chapters in Chinese middleschool’s textbooks. to educate adolescent.Over many years, many experts and scholars do much reaches on Shitiesheng’s works.But in all of the researching papers on Shi Tieshengand his works, we seldom see that his language style can be fully discussedfrom the angle of linguistic, As a mature writer, he gradually formed hisown unique language style in the process of literary creation by hiscontinuous exploration. As same as other writers, Shi tiesheng’sliterary creations also experienced trial and error, gradually becomemature. In this regard, we can divide his writing into three stages: theearly of the creation, the transition period of the creation and the matureof the creation. Given the reason, I begin to read a wide range of hisnovels and other relative works and I choose four medium-sized novels andthree long novels from his influential and distinctive works as myresearch object. These works are:“the professor and his wife”、“The cornerwithout sun”、”My faraway Qing Ping Wan”、“Granny’s star”、“The lifelikes the sting”、“The original sin and predestination retreat notes”and“the Dingyi’s brigade of mine”. I mainly talk about his writinglanguage style on the basis of his writing attune, words-selectedstructure, form-arrangement and passage-consideration and so on. Methodis a combination of qualitative and quantitative.The paper first analysis the language style of definition,introduces the research status of the language style of Shi Tiesheng’sfictions. Then the paper chooses some novels on different stage. The paperbelieves that his novel shows more consistent features in works’ language,namely the succinct concise,simple,fresh,but full of music and philosophy.The paper also analysises and describes the means to performance thisstyle.Finally, the paper analysis the reasons about language style ShiTiesheng’s fictions from the writer’s growth experience and histemperament and character experience in his life and the religiousphilosophy and the change of times.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shi Tiesheng, novel, language style
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