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The Poetic Of Collision Between Dream And Reality

Posted on:2013-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374969526Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
1930s was the watershed of Chinese thoughts and culture. Different thoughts and culture not only contained different values and social impacts but also contained different life support and social origin, and pushed forward to form different culture camps. It was an age of naming and owning, and was an age of continuous struggle. In that time, Lu Xun and Zhu Guangqian got into an argument which focused on the interpretation of classical poetry. In an article named discussion of "When a song end, people have gone, only rivers and mountains stay", Zhu Guangqian introduced an appreciation concept called "Quotes" which was criticized by Lu Xun. Lu Xun thought that "If you want to discuss an article, you have to consider all chapters", and opposed the partial interpretation by Zhu Guangqian. However, Zhu Guangqian did not like the textual criticism, and thought that "the version, original and author of an article are not important, only the appreciation of the article contains the beauties of the article. If you do not notice those questions, you have departed from the appreciation itself. He emphasized the subjectivism of literature appreciation, opposed to treat empirical academic as the only way to literature appreciation and research. Lu Xun advocated in the reflection of real life from the poetry, and thought real discontent is more valuable than insincere praise. But Zhu Guangqian advocated in the reflection of eternal beauty which is beyond individual life from the poetry, and thought "serenity" is the highest form of aesthetics. Lu Xun opposed the definition of aesthetics, opposed the "Tao Yuanming is full of serenity, so he is great." which was proposed by Zhu Guangqian, and thought Zhu Guangqian ignored Tao Yuanming’s the poetry of resentful of the world"type. Lu Xun thought that "Tao Yuanming is not full of serenity, so he is great".In this paper, we try to detailedly analyze the contradiction between Lu Xun and Zhu Guangqian about the interpretation of classical poetry, and deeply discuss their literary concept contradiction of poetry and the profound reasons. The paper is organized as follows:First, we review the generation, expansion of the contradiction between Lu Xun and Zhu Guangqian. In the second part, we focused on the contradiction itself which is Tao Yuanming, and discuss their researches on Tao Yuanming respectively. Then, we find their huge differences and contradictions on poetry literary concept through comparing them. Upon these contradictions, we discuss, analyze and trace the reason of the differences in several aspects, and try to recover and outline the literary thoughts of these two famous masters in the final part.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Xun, Zhu Guangqian, Tao Yuanming, Peace andSerenity, Aesthetic
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