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On The Transformation Of The Chinese Community In The United Stales After The1960s

Posted on:2013-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X N LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371990952Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The United States, an immigration nation consisting of various ethnic groups,attracts people all over the world because of its tolerant political atmosphere,democratic social institution, developed economy and its multicultural policy. As alarge part of the Asian immigrants, many Chinese left their home country for Americaafter the1960s for the purpose of family reunion, education, occupation and so on.With the arrival of the new Chinese immigrants, the Chinese communities in theUnited States changed dramatically. Before the1940s, most of the Chinesecongregated in Chinatowns, doing the humble work, discriminated by the Americans.They lived a harsh life in the bachelor society and could not be integrated into themainstream American society. However, the situation changed but not very obviouslyafter the1940s. After the1960s, Chinese Americans seldom live in Chinatowns, butscatter everywhere in the United States. The sex-ratio is gradually balanced, andtherefore, the family-centered social structure is formed in the Chinese Americancommunities. Economically, occupations the Chinese Americans are engaged in havechanged greatly, from the previous catering industry, laundry shop to nearly everyother field. Economic improvement ensures the Chinese Americans’ upward mobility,which in turn, enables them to be accepted by the mainstream American society moreeasily. Chinese Americans constantly adjust their culture and habits, and now moreand more Chinese immigrants have already been integrated into the American society,and are even called the model minority by the Americans.Comparing the Chinese communities before and after the1960s, this thesis triesto analyze the causes for the transformation of the Chinese communities. First of all,the socio-political policies provide relatively tolerant environment and equalopportunities for the Chinese Americans, which is seen as the premise of thedevelopment of Chinese communities. The Chinese communities’ social structureunderwent big change due to the immigration policies. The traditional economy andthe emerging economy promoted and ensured the Chinese Americans’ upward mobility. At the same time, the emerging industry raises the social status of theChinese Americans. Adjusting and accepting the American culture, the ChineseAmericans also maintain the traditional Chinese culture. The combination of the twocultures promotes the integration of Chinese Americans into the mainstream Americansociety.In this thesis, the author aims to figure out the factors responsible for thetransformation of the American Chinese communities. By analyzing how these factorsexert their influence on Chinese Americans, the author provides people with someuseful information about how the Chinese Americans are gradually integrated into themainstream American society. At the same time, it will bring some insights for thosewho are planning to immigrate to America or who seek for further education inAmerica.
Keywords/Search Tags:transformation of Chinese community, socio-political policy, economicfactor, cultural factor
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