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On Fuzziness Of Consecutive Interpreting In Business Conferences And Its Countermeasures

Posted on:2013-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371979583Subject:English interpretation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid and all-round development in areas of economy, politics, culture,foreign affairs and other areas, China is playing a more and more important role in theworld. It begins to communicate and cooperate more often with other countries.Interpretation and translation, especially interpretation, which greatly helps to pushthe communication and cooperation forward, is drawing much attention and is appliedto more and more occasions. Thus the study of interpretation becomes especiallynecessary and beneficial.Interpretation can be both simultaneous and consecutive. Compared withsimultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting is applied in wider fields. Likeother language activities, it enjoys all the properties of language. One of them is thefuzziness of language.According to L. A. Zadeh’s fuzzy set theory, fuzziness refers to the transitionalstate of language between membership and non-membership. It is one of the mostfundamental features of language which can be widely found in all language activities.Ever since the appearance of fuzzy set theory in1965, fuzziness has become a hottopic in linguistic studies and interpretive studies. These studies have greatlypromoted the interpreting activities. In this thesis, with Zadeh’s fuzzy set theory, thewriter analyzes the fuzzy language in business conference consecutive interpreting(BCCI) and puts forward countermeasures to problems caused by fuzziness oflanguage in BCCI.This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is a brief introduction to thisthesis. Chapter one introduces the background of studies on fuzziness, consecutiveinterpreting, BCCI and significance of the studies. Also the research status of fuzzylanguage in BCCI is briefly discussed in this chapter. In Chapter two, examples offuzzy language taken from BCCI are being analyzed from the aspects of words,phrases and sentences. Chapter three brings about countermeasures to fuzziness in BCCI. At the end of the thesis, the writer finds that fuzziness lies in the nature oflanguage. It can’t be avoided or eliminated. Since it has a great influence oninterpreting activities, it should be handled properly to better the interpretation.The studies on BCCI are of great importance for business conference is widelyapplied in different areas. Proper treatment of fuzzy language in BCCI will help theinterpreter do his work better. However, systematic studies in this area are rare. It ishoped that this thesis can introduce further studies, which can make contribution tofuture interpretation studies and activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:fuzzy set theory, consecutive interpreting, business conference, fuzzy language
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