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The Study Of Gu Han’s Bu Shi Pin

Posted on:2013-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371975483Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the history of ancient Chinese literary and art theory,there were only two poems with four characters each line of poetric theory as same as Si Kongtu’s Shi Pin. Gu Han’s Bit Shi Pin was one of them. It was also the special one that modern people didn’t write articles about it only from its angle.And all of articles which had parts of contents about it didn’t speak highly of it and studied simply. Besides,Bu Shi Pin’s author and his poems,modern people didn’t write articles about them only from these angles too.But Gu Han’s Bu Shi Pin really supplied Si Kongtu’s Shi Pin, it had value of complement which different from Xu Shi Pin. Bu Shi Pin is the most conform to the standard one in the imitate woerks.It is the best style of ancient Chinese poetric theory.So writer wrote this article.The paper probed into Gu Han’s life time first,wrote the chronicle of Gu Han’s life,and raised the viewpoint that he should be the poet of Jiang Zito Xing Ling Group.Then through comparing the titles of Shi Pin and Xu Shi Pin, aroused the discuss from the analyzed same and similar titles of the three poems with four characters each line of poetric theory:The same and similar titles reflected inheritance of poetric theory in the last stage of Tang Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.And through comparing the titles of Bu Shi Pin、Shi Pin and Xu Shi Pin,analyzed the titles in Bu Shi Pin which different from the titles in Shi Pin and Xu Shi Pin.It can lead to another part of content:the unique value of titles in Bu Shi Pin which different from the titles in Shi Pin and Xu Shi Pin.On the basis of analvzing Bu Shi Pin’s value,leading to another part of content distinguishing the value between Bu Shi Pin’s and Xu Shi Pin’s, after deeply analyzing the value of Bu Shi.Pin,objectively evaluating Bu Shi Pin’s value of poetric theory.its status in the history of ancient Chinese poetric theory,the status and value of three poems with four characters each line of poetric theory,takes Bu Shi Pin as the representation.This paper’s innovations are:it is a monograph about Bu Shi Pin; study Bu Shi Pin combine with its author;study Bu Shi Pin combine with Bai Shi Shan Fang Shi Chao;study Bu Shi Pin in the middle to late period of Qing Dynasty(literary history);discuss the social and cultural background in the conversion period how to influence Gu Han’s state of mind;Redistinguish the value between Bu Shi Pin and Xu Shi Pin;study Bu Shi Pin on the overall perspective of three poems with four characters each line of poetric theory;reveal cultural thoughts in the conversion period how to affect Gu Han’s poetric theory;study Gu Han’s position in the Qing Dynasty’s poetric evolution trend;annotate Bu Shi Pin’s titles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gu Han, Bu Shi Pin, Bai Shi Shan Fang Shi Chao, in the middle tolate period of Qing Dynasty(literary history), poems with fourcharacters each line of poetric theory
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