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The Study Of Prepositions In Models Of Satiring Fictions

Posted on:2013-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371469463Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The preposition in the analytical language is a very important kind of function words,closed, can end lists parts of speech. Grammar development will inevitably drive the parts ofspeech own development, prepositions with other parts of speech, in the process of thedevelopment of Chinese, also have their own internal development law, in the different historicalperiod that show the different look. Models of satiring fictions was written in the middle of Qingdynasty, colloquial language degree is higher, with considerable language capacity, can reflectthe basic language reality at that time, the research at the time, the language characteristics haveimportant value. This article by "the scholars has" as the object of study prepositions, inreference to the previous based on the end type statistics and classification description method,and of description and diachronic comparison, combining quantitative analysis and qualitativeanalysis, combining to models of satiring fictions prepositions in the system, detailed andcomprehensive study to display models of satiring fictions semantic function, prepositions inpragmatic function, syntactic function of the state, and the delay of inheritance and developmentsituation, and then draw the outline of the prepositions in modern Chinese at the end of thedevelopment outlook.In addition to the introduction,this article including five chapters. The introduction mainlyintroduces the researching value, research methods, about the study object, and this paper writingwith related problems. The first chapter is prepositions research a summary, mainly including thehistory review prepositions, prepositions grammaticalization, prepositions the definition andclassification of the and so on. The second chapter is to models of satiring fictions prepositionsin the complete classification description, first from the point of view of the syllable will modelsof satiring fictions of prepositions divided into the single syllable prepositions and two-syllableprepositions. A single syllable prepositions and according to the major semantic role, will fivecategories 56 prepositions qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. In the process ofclassification description, from the point of view of the history of Chinese language illustratesthe models of satiring fictions prepositions in the grammatical degree, and combined with themodels of satiring fictions prepositions in specific local features and characteristics are analyzed.The typical prepositions of 33, according to the constitutive pattern classification description,again through the synchronic and diachronic comparison, this paper summarizes the scholars has"in two-syllable the characteristics of prepositions. The third chapter is to models of satiringfictions analysis of the prepositional phrase, syntactic and pragmatic from the point of view of the preposition phrase of the internal components and external function, syntactic, distribution,pragmatic functions including topic marker, the focus of the highlights, cohesion, review andanalysis, the application and lessons from the functional linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and themodern theory of yuan the theory and method of linguistics. The fourth chapter is to models ofsatiring fictions of prepositions for investigation, mainly including models of satiring fictionsprepositions to members of the last survey, from the semantic and syntactic, such as a descriptionof the Angle analysis, this paper summarizes the development of prepositions evolution. Thefifth chapter is epilogue, in to the models of satiring fictions of 89 prepositions exhaustiveinvestigation on the basis of analysis, the diachronic and synchronic, from the point of view ofdialect, and summarizes the models of satiring fictions of the preposition in the developmentcharacteristic that the prepositions models of satiring fictions with time features, pile on modernChinese, next rev. Modern Chinese, embodies the unity of inheritance and development, but alsohas a dialect regional characteristic, it is also the development and change of the history ofChinese language and the whole of the evolution of the closely linked.
Keywords/Search Tags:Models Of Satiring Fictions, Preposition, Prepositions Phrase, Syntax, The Language Uses
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