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Research On Cultural Development Countermeasures In Baoshan District Of Shanghai

Posted on:2013-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330362967766Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Culture is blood and soul of a nation. One of notable features for thecompetition of comprehensive national strength among countries intoday’s world is that the status and role of culture become moreprominent, and more and more countries take the improvement of culturalsoft power as major content of development strategy; urban culture, as animportant part of culture, certainly should be the focus of the research onsocial development.Cultural building plays an important strategic role in the cause of buildingthe socialism with Chinese characteristics.17th CPC National Congress,from the perspective of overall layout of building the socialism withChinese characteristics, proposed the strategic task of vitalizing newupsurge of building socialism cultures and promoting development andprosperity of the socialism culture. At present, Shanghai is entering intothe new development stage for full transformation, and the status and roleof culture in economic and social development are greatly improved. Thecultural building in Baoshan District is an important part of building the urban culture in Shanghai, confronting with the historic opportunity ofbuilding Shanghai into a global city and an international culturalmetropolis, the intensification of research on cultural developmentcountermeasures and scientific determination of overall objectives andbasic ideas for Baoshan cultural development in the new era are ofimportant theoretical and practical significances for further promotingcoordinated development of Baoshan in cultural, economic, political andsocial terms and for building the Baoshan into a modernized riversidenew area.In this paper, the basic theory of public management is taken as the basisfor research on cultural development countermeasures, and the theory andknowledge related to the field of public administration such as publiceconomics, human resource development, social research, public policyresearch and government performance evaluation are adopted; based onthe basic law on development of socialism culture with Chinesecharacteristics, taking the cultural building in the Baoshan region asspecified direction, the construction of cultural facilities and culturalenvironment, public libraries and heritage museum career, developmentof cultural industries and cultural market management, cultural supplyand demand trends, cultural talent training, foreign cultural exchangesand relevant cultural undertakings as the major research object, theirbasic conditions and basic laws in the process of constructing the modernized riverside new area in Baoshan are researched so as to providethe governmental administration organs with countermeasures formanagement of urban public culture and promotion of culturaldevelopment as well as to offer references for decision-making onacceleration of cultural development in Baoshan. The full text includesthe introduction and the body (divided into five chapters).Chapter One (Introduction) mainly presents the major purpose andsignificance of the thesis research, analyzes the domestic andinternational cultural development situation, and elaborates the mainresearch ideas and research methods.Chapter Two mainly analyzes the history and reality of the culturaldevelopment in Baoshan District, briefly describes the basic backgroundand environment of Baoshan cultural development from regionaloverview, history evolution, economic development, social construction,historic and cultural deposits, etc. in Baoshan, and focusing on the currentstatus quo of cultural development and based on the objective data andsurveys, analyzes the overall situation on the development of culturalenvironment, cultural undertaking and cultural industry in Baoshanregion so as to provide references for trend analysis, target position andcountermeasures in the future.Chapter Three mainly analyzes the development trend of cultural needs,resource advantages of cultural supply and existing problems in Baoshan District. The development of modernized riverside new area in Baoshanshould be led by the development of modern culture, which is the generaltrend of development. Social and economic development, optimization ofliving environment and spiritual and cultural flourishing are three integralparts of the construction system of riverside new area in Baoshan; theconstruction of riverside new area in Baoshan not only provides the spacefor cultural development, but also calls for cultural building, whichindicates that cultural needs will be greatly increased and the culture willbe an important part and the symbol for the construction of Baoshan.Chapter Four, on the basis of the above analysis, based on the targetposition for cultural development in Baoshan District, proposes the targetposition for cultural development in Baoshan; and elaborates the targetachievement mode from the two perspectives of space system and timesystem, and analyzes the possibility of target achievement from the twoaspects of practical basis and guarantee measures. Puts forward theappropriate countermeasures and ideas, analyzes the key breakthroughdirection for cultural development in Baoshan and the strength of reliableadvantage resources, and proposes the key cultural projects to bedeveloped and the expected progress for cultural development in Baoshan.Countermeasures and ideas focus on a combination of theory and practiceso as to provide the government with decision-making references forintensification of public culture management and promotion of cultural development.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural, development, countermeasure, baoshan
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