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The Epidemiological Survey Of Serum Vitamin D In Uyghurs And Hans In Xingjiang Elderly People

Posted on:2013-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q J WangFull Text:PDF
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Objective:The aim of this study is to determine serum25-hydroxyvitaminosisD(25OHD) level in peoeple whose age≥55years old living in Xinjiang.We investigatedifferences of vitamin D level in uyghurs and Hans, which could provide a guidance ofvitamin D supplementation and prevention of osteoporotic fractures in Xinjiang. Methods:1729subjects’ samples were taken from epidemiological survey. All serum25-hydroxyvitaminosis D(25OHD) level of samples were test by ELISA. All the subjectswere divided into3groups which depended on the serum25OHD levels:<10,<15and <20ng/mL.To investigate the differences in vitamin D levels between the southern andnorthern regions, the comparative dimension, differences of25OHD levels in the differentethnics, the same whether the national gender differences, and differences of25OHDlevels in the different ages.Results:(1) The mean serum25OHD in Xinjiang region≥55-year-olds normal distribution is (8.63±4.54) ng/mL.⑵If25OHD diveded intothree levels such as <10ng/ml,15ng/ml,<20ng/ml different measured values, low vitaminD status which use serum250HD measurements to assess showed: the rates of vitamin Ddeficiency are respectively73.1%,91%and97.8%.⑶The mean serum25OHD normaldistribution in the Han population is (8.79±5.32) ng/mL.The mean serum25OHDnormal distribution in Uighur population (8.51±3.67) ng/mL. The level of mean serum250HD shows no significant difference between Uyghurs and Hans(P=0.187).⑷Beijiang serum25OHD mean was (8.88±5.27) ng/mL and in southern Xinjiang serum25OHD mean (8.51±3.63) ng/mL, the level of mean serum250HD shows no significantdifference between northern Xinjiang and southern Xinjiang (P=0.09).⑸Uighur maleand female subjects between the level of serum250HD was no significant difference (P=0.187), the level of mean serum250HD shows no significant difference between the Hanpopulation of male and female subjects (P=0.489).⑹Sample population aged 55-59,60-69years,70-79-year-old,80-year-old of all ages stratified,25OHD level,although a trend to decrease with increasing age, but age and serum25OHD levelscorrelation r=-0.011, P=0.649, all ages, the trend test to compare between different agegroups=3.159, P=0.368.Conclusion: Serum250HD is lower than15ng/mL is adoptedto determine low vitamin status. According to that, the prevalence of low vitamin D statusis91%in Xinjiang elderly people. Not found in the serum250HD level there aredifferences between the Uighurs and the Han, not found in the south, the northern regionbetween25OHD levels are different; not yet found the male, female25OHD levels aredifferent;also found no correlation between25OHD levels and age.
Keywords/Search Tags:serum25hydroxyvitamin D, elderly people, uyghurs, Hans
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