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The Optimal Induction Regimen Of General Anesthesia When Given In Combination For Outpatient Surgery

Posted on:2013-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:The optimal dosage regimen of midazolam, fentanyl and propofol withweighted modification methods was investigated when given in combination for inductionof general anesthesia in outpatient surgery with random experiment. Methods:120outpatients who was diagnosed breast lumpectomy were included in this study. Six dosageregimens were established according to weighted modification methods. BP, HR, SpO2andBIS were monitored.Anesthesia were inducted with midazolam, fentanyl and propofolmaintained by closed-loop target-controlled infusion of propofol. MAP and HR wererecorded immediately before induction, after induction, skin incision, after the start ofsurgery3min, after waking up before the end of surgery and regained consciousness.Theseinformation were recorded MAP and HR in the value beyond the baseline incidence of20%rate, the incidence of respiratory depression, each period of anesthesia to maintainper capita consumption of propofol, recovery time, recovery time orientation and comfortscore. Results:The results of group2and group6with minimal impact on blood pressure;group2, group5, group6with minimal impact on heart rate; group2the lowest incidenceof respiratory depression; Group2and Group6in the period of propofol anesthesia tomaintain a minimum amount per capita; The recovery time and orientation recovery timewas extend from Group1to Group6; postoperative comfort ratings from excellent to pooras follows:group6, group2, group3, group5, group4, group1. Conclusions:The group2regiment was less affected the circulation and respiration. The time of consciousness andorientation recovery was rapider than other groups.It was one of the most optimal regimenfor outpatient surgery.
Keywords/Search Tags:outpatient surgery, anesthesia, induction programs, optimization, weightedmodification method
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