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Spatial Epidemiological Study On Health Hunman Resources In Guangxi Province

Posted on:2013-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330371474754Subject:Epidemiology and Health Statistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
【Objective】With the progress of health reform in China, it is indispensable to have a clear information on health human resource. Try to explore the status and equity problems in the region related with health human resources. Base on Health Data base of Guangxi autonomous region in2009, we visualized allocation of health human resources in the region with geographic information system(GIS), and did spatial analysis on this data. So to help the police maker to make proper policy on health human resources allocation。【Methods】With Excel2003and SPSS, analysis of the allocation of human resources in Guangxi. Evaluate the equity of health human resources with Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient. Applied ArcGIS10.0to spatial analysis the spatial database of Guangxi health human resource,used spatial epidemiology analysis technology of Inverse Distance Weighting(IDW), spatial autocorrelation, and spatial regression analysis.[Results]1. Descriptive analysis on health human resources allocation has show that:compare with other provinces in China, the number of health professional ranked14th, the number of doctor ranked16th, the number of nurses ranked12th; the number of health professionals per1000population ranked26th, the number of doctors per1000population ranked28th, the number of nurses per1000population ranked20th; From2005to2009, the number of health professionals rise up30.61%, the number of doctors rise up16.45%, the number of nurses rise up40.45%; Considering the educational levels of the professionals, most of them graduated from high school or college, few of them got health professional education in university。Very few professionals has got high Qualification titles, most of them work on their position with lower qualification titles。2. Evaluation on the equity; Base on the population, Gini coefficient of the health professionals is0.1696, doctors is0.1775, nurses is0.2141; Base on the geographical, Gini coefficient of the medical personnel is0.3340, doctors is0.3235, nurses is0.3596, It indicates that the health resources allocation in Guangxi is at average status, It seams that base on the population more equity than geographical.3. Spatial analysis:From the visualized maps, trend analysis and IDW maps, we can see that the numbers of health professionals in southeastern Guangxi more than the northwest. The global Moran’s I coefficient of medical personnel is0.0133, the global G coefficient is0.0452, P>0.05, it means that spatial distribution of health professionals is randomized.In the local Moran’s I analysis of medical personnel, Liuzhou and Guilin are low around model (HL); From the local Getis coefficient of the Z-test results, Nanning, Wuming and Fusui are Z (Gi)>2.58, these three areas compose spatial cluster. The result of ordinary least squares (OLS) analysis show that health human resources are inverse correlation with area, and positive correlation with population and GDP. 【Conclusion】There are some problems in Guangxi health human resource allocation:the total numbers of health professionals is lower than the national average; The doctor-nurse ratio are not reasonably balanced. Health human resources be in fair position. Analysis with Geographic information system (GIS) and spatial statistics has discovered that the randomized distribution of Guangxi health human resources。geographic location、population and GDP are the influence factors of health professional allocation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Health human resources, Equity, Geographic InformationSystem, Spatial analysis, Guangxi
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