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The Investigation And Evaluation Of The Diversity Of Landscape Plants With The Development Strategy In Zhuhai City

Posted on:2013-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L LiuFull Text:PDF
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The Biodiversity is the material basis for improvement of the quality of humanlife. And the urban biodiversity is mainly landscape plant-based. The diversity ofurban landscape plants is essential for the development of the greening andimprovement of the urban environment, as well as the enhancement of the urbanliving standards and quality and the process of constructing a health, harmony, greeneco-city.Zhuhai was one of China s first batch of national landscape cities, but as the timegoes by, the development of landscape of Zhuhai is backward even though it has arich plant species, based on the development status and social need of Zhuhailandscaping industry, this study conduct an overall investigation and evaluation ofdiversity of Zhuhai landscape plants, with a detailed route and method, that divideZhuhai Green into4plates: Parks Green, Street Green, Municipal Attached Green andResidential Green. And provide some suggestions about development strategy forfuture. Mainly research achievements are:1. Overall investigation of Zhuhai landscape plants recorded a total of346species of landscape plants (including variants), belonging to230genera in89families, include184kinds of trees,109kinds of shrubs, and vines, flowers and grassin a total of88species,71genera and41families. In the four plate of Green surveyed,investigation of Parks Green recorded a total of267kinds of landscape plants(including variants), belonging to179genera in82families; investigation of Road Green recorded a total of153kinds of landscape plants (including variants),belonging to115genera in59families; investigation of Municipal Attached Greenrecorded a total of168kinds of landscape plants (including variants), belonging to130genera in67families; investigation of Residential Green recorded a total of170kinds of landscape plants (including variants), belonging to129genera in59families.2. According to the survey and analysis, Author evaluated the landscape plants ineach plate as well as the whole city of Zhuhai. As far as author is concerned, thediversity and the species of plant applied is insufficient that mainly concentrated in afew families such as Palmae, Moraceae, Leguminosae, Myrtaceae, Apocynaceae,Euphorbiaceae, etc. The native of plants is rich but has a little proportion incommonly used plant species. It values trees more than cover plants, values evergreenplants more than deciduous plants. The plant color is monotonous, with little seasonaleffect. Some selection of landscape plants is not scientific and reasonable. Thepatterns of configuration and design are similar with the ineffective landscape andneglectful ecological environment function. Three-dimensional green appliedinadequately. The palm plant is the mainly application to reflect the characteristics ofthe tropical coastal city with simple mode rather than diverse native plants liketropical fruits.3. Based on the data surveyed and combined the need of Zhuhai landscapedevelopment, the author have taken a scientific and rational evaluation, analysis andcarried out the development of Zhuhai City landscape countermeasures, providedthree aspects of recommendations to direct practice, which are: increasing landscapeplant diversity; developing the level of planning, design and application; soundingpoliciesrules and regulations, increasing capital investment and stabling investedchannels.In brief, the richness and comprehensiveness of this study make great sense ofthe development of Zhuhai landscape and the new image of Zhuhai, and meanwhileprovide reference of the surrounding cities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhuhai Landscape, Diversity of Landscape Plants, Investigation andEvaluation, Development Strategy
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