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City Landscape Design Of Ji’nan Water Culture Research

Posted on:2014-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330398952913Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
City landscape design of Ji’nan water culture research is one of the hotspots of city construction and application, as a comprehensive subject, which involves each field of the society, including architectural design, landscape design, city planning, environmental protection, vegetation and animal habitat protection, flood control and drainage, river regulation and involves many aspects.For Ji’nan, especially the existing historical and cultural city, city landscape design features is an important part of city landscape system, through the building of Chinese classical landscape architecture and foreign features analysis, determine the features of city landscape design in the north of Ji’nan as the representative of the historical and cultural city as the main object of study, through different analysis of mining landscape elements have value of traditional culture and regional characteristics of city waterscape design in our country, trying to find a set to be able to show in the city of Ji’nan on behalf of the north is a famous historical and cultural city landscape design theory of hydrological characteristics.Ji’nan as a famous historical and cultural city, since ancient times there,"Spring City" reputation. Its own history and culture and is the spring landscape Quancheng Ji’nan unique characteristics. In the promotion of the rapid development of society, economy and accelerate the process of rapid city of people a new way of life in the context of Ji’nan springs, and other famous historical and cultural city, is also faced with the contradiction between protection and development. How to develop and utilize for the protection of historical and cultural city and water resources, to resolve this contradiction, placed in front of the city decision makers and designers. In this situation, the article analyses the specific characteristics of the city of Ji’nan history and city features, analysis of the existing relationship between the two. At the same time analyzed the angles of Quancheng Ji’nan city waterscape, waterscape design respectively from theoretical basis including Chinese classical garden waterscape theory and foreign landscape theory, open space of city waterscape type, city landscape design features in the city landscape system in the position and role of the aspects of research and analysis for the city ofJi’nan water cultural characteristics, practice and analysis of the waterscape design and construction in recent years, several typical, including living water park, Sichuan Chengdu National Olympic Forest Park, Darning Lake, Baotu Spring and through analysis, shape features, a moat landscape, the Xiaoqing River landscape belt find Quancheng Ji’nan water culture characteristics and shortcomings reflect its application of value, the proposed further is like spring city Ji’nan has prospect of waterscape design water culture characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:spring, city landscapedegin, waterscape, cultural characteristics
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