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The Counter-Measure Research Of The Resource-Based Enterprises’ FDI Strategy Under The Energy Crisis

Posted on:2013-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330395482319Subject:Investment economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of the economy cannot go without the energy recourses, limited energy reserves in the region restricts the speed of economic development and the sustainable development capacity, especially coal, oil, natural gas and other primary energy is the power source to promote the development of the social economy. Nowadays, not only the energy has inalienable connection with the efficient operation of the global economy, but also concerns with the security and stability of national policy and the peaceful coexistence among peoples.In the context of global economic integration, the world economy situation has changed dramatically. Enterprises are no longer satisfied to occupy the leading position in the existing domestic market, but to fight to snatch the opportunities in the world market. Therefore, all kinds of multinational corporations rise rapidly, the Global Alliance organization has become a new unit today.In the economic globalization of the21st century, Chinese enterprises should and must focus on the world market to realize the balance of supply and demand in the world market. This is also the inevitable requirement of resource-based enterprises to implement the "going out" strategy actively. With respect to the current situation, although Chinese foreign direct investment is still in the primary stage, within the scope of the ranking is back in the whole world, but the conditions of resource-based enterprises to "going out" have been mature.For the resource-based enterprises, limited resources are a key factor in restricting its production capacity and improving performance. To adapt to the requirements of the rapid economic development today, how to use the increasingly scarce resources effectively and how to get more resources available are the two key issues that must be faced by resource-based enterprises for their continued growth and development.As is known to all, Japanese energy and resources is shortage seriously, but the development of Japanese economic is obvious to the whole world. Especially in the early1980s, its foreign investment scale unprecedented expansion, by adhering to the internationalization strategy, it jumped into one of the world’s largest foreign investor.Japan in the1980s has gained considerable success in the field of FDI to obtain outside resources. The current situation faced by the resource-based enterprises in China is similar with Japan in that time, and the time of "going out" strategy has come. So how to avoid making detours, how to get the support of the host government and their people, and how to choose the right investment strategy are the critical problems for domestic resource-based enterprises to work out. Therefore, it is necessary to learn from Japan in the process of FDI for the resources to provide guidance for resource-based enterprises in China and help them to obtain more energy resources.This paper is based on the empirical analysis, analyzing the present situation of foreign direct investment of resource-based enterprises systematically, concluding the problems which the resource-based enterprises are facing in the process of "going out", and deepening the understanding of the strategy of resource-based enterprise to go internationalization. And through the deeply analysis of Japanese a large scale of the direct investment for recourse in1980s, based on the experience of Japan to deal with the energy crisis, presented some enlightenment and suggestion for our country during the energy crisis, which will have decision-making value for the resource-based enterprises to go out in the future.Specifically, this topic has the following theoretical and realistic significance:(1) The research on the resource-based enterprises foreign direct investment will help the resources-based enterprises to find problems, to analyze problems, and to solve problems in the international direct investment.(2) The research on the resource-based enterprises foreign direct investment will give suggestions and guidance to the enterprise to make strategic decisions in the future.(3) The research on how Japan deal with the energy crisis can widen our resource-based enterprises’minds of the strategy of "going out".This paper is divided into six parts. The first one is the introduction, including the introduction of the background and significance of this research, as well as the research status in domestic and abroad, the contents and methods, and major innovations and deficiencies; the second part describes the theoretical basis of international strategy of resource-based enterprises during the energy crisis, mainly covered the international direct investment theories; the third part introduces the current situation and problems of domestic resource-based enterprises in FDI, not only represents the situation of China’s energy supply and demand systematically, but also analyses the current situation of FDI facing by resource-based enterprises in china in the aspects of policy-oriented, investment objectives, investment contents, investment location and so on, as well as put forward the problems of resource-based enterprises in FDI; the fourth section describes Japanese international strategy to deal with the energy crisis, especially focuses on Japanese practice to deal with the energy crisis in the1980s; the fifth section provides recommendations and countermeasures in the implementation of the "going out" strategy for the domestic resource-based enterprises according to Japanese energy strategic choice; the last part is the related conclusions of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Energy Crisis, Resource-Based Enterprises, Foreign DirectInvestment
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