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Back To The City

Posted on:2013-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330392457906Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It has been an important and sensitive issue about the coordination between the partialand whole interests of the city. In this paper, the coordination and integrity between theresidential area and the city was chosen as the main topic, which was just one subjectamong them. The research centered on how to promote the harmonious development ofpartial and whole interests through the controlling or guidance of urban planning. Thus,the interactive design between the residential area and the city was promoted, whichadvocated that the residential area should be designed based on the whole city’s interestsin order to achieve the connective, unified and harmonious development between thecommunity and the city.The development between the residential area and the city is a constantly running-inand adjustment process, which is also the results of human control and natural growth. It isof influential and restricting relations between them, with a high degree of “interactive”throughout the track of city’s development. However, under today’s scale and rapiddevelopment, the adjustment process was shorter than before. There had been lots ofproblems about the non-relevancy between the residential area and the city. The closedpattern, the non-relevancy design, the lack of prospective and the fictitious space image ofthe residential area aroused lots of negative influence over the city.Based on the background stated above, this paper selected the city as the oriented siteof the residential area, which should be designed under the urban planning category. Theplanning of the residential area should try to seek the relations between each other andreach the re-unified status. Firstly, the design was at the level of urban planning, in whichway to reveal its entity. Secondly, the article took the non-relavancy between theresidential area and the city as the main research topic and focused on the causes andsolutions to it. Choosing the interactive relations as the breakthrough point, the authoranalyzed the interactive relations as well as the interactive factors from the relevantacademic theory and practice in order to reach the new thought of improving the relationsbetween the residential area and the city. Thus, the method of interactive design was putforward. It was a trial of the sequence that from the city to residential area. In this process,it called for an unfair attitude to the interactive design. The city should be treated as themain body and the residential area as the object. At the same time, it called for thefeedbacks of users’ needs and feelings timely in order to adjust the process of interactive design. As for the main context, the paper illustrated the detailed methods, which centeredon the interactive factors, such as the planning orientation, buildings’ form, traffic,landscape, interface space and public service facilities. Finally, the method was appliedinto the practice, which was of certain practical and enlightening significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Residential area, City, City outlook, Interactive design, Interactive factors
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