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Architectural Design Of The Library In Jiangning Campus Of Hohai University

Posted on:2013-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K ZhuFull Text:PDF
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Because of limited capacity of Hohai University Jiangning Campus Library, and can not meetthe requirements of the students’reading and self-study, the need for renovation and expansion is Inevitable.This graduation project is the design of the actual project-positive and negative zero studio Hohai University Jiangning Campus Library renovation and expansion, research is focused on the renovation and expansion of the librarybuilding. The project base is located in Jiangning Campus of Hohai the central axis of themain entrance, is one of the main building to enter the campus to see, but also the focal point of the spirit of place in schools. This item is portrayed as the center of the campuslandscape.The design strategy is used in the investigation and analysis, the principal contradiction, through research, methods of resolving contradictions. Expansion design,the design of the original building site research for the column grid of the existingbuilding, structure, the architectural language of the facade as well as functional flow lineto make the analysis, starting from the building plane and form relationships, and ultimately have building expansion of the scope, then the plane to adjust and optimize.Reconstruction Design, through research on the function of the use of existing buildings.and part converted according to the problem, so that the building use the function to be optimized to meet the requirements.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-end apartment, house design, facade design
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