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Non-Natural Forces Of The Old Industrial Building Safety Evaluation And Early Warning

Posted on:2013-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330362472948Subject:Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, China’s industrial structure adjustment and economicdevelopment, Facing the old industrial building renovation, expansion, re-use, But notin place as the old industrial buildings of normal aging and the management andmaintenance, Safety factor of the old industrial buildings is reduced year by year. At thesame time, Also exposed some of the problems of the safe use of old industrialbuildings. Threatened, such as structural elements of the old industrial buildings ofnon-natural forces of aging makes the safety of the old industrial buildings and oldindustrial building fire protection systems, electrical safety, corrosion protectionmeasures, plant security measures such as inadequate. Therefore, the safety assessmentand early warning of the old industrial buildings to carry out a study of old industrialbuildings to conduct formal safety warning new model has important practicalsignificance.The author after the full study of the status quo of China’s old industrial buildingthe field of non-natural forces security, The insecurity of non-natural forces of the oldindustrial buildings, The establishment of a non-natural forces of the old industrialbuilding safety evaluation index system.. And the use of the analytic hierarchy processand fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to establish the safety assessment model of the oldindustrial buildings of non-natural forces. Then the safety evaluation of the non-naturalforces of the old industrial buildings. Carried out preliminary studies of safety warningon the field of non-natural forces of the old industrial buildings, And use examples to prove the feasibility of the system.the following:(1) full study of insecurity affect the safety of non-natural forces of the oldindustrial buildings, and the establishment of the hierarchical structure of thenon-natural forces of the old industrial building safety evaluation index system for theestablishment of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of non-natural forces of the oldindustrial buildings laidfoundation.(2) The use of the principle of fuzzy mathematics, The establishment of the oldindustrial building non-elemental fuzzy math matrix and prove that the method ofdetermining the membership function of fuzzy matrix calculation methods. Prove theapplicability of the membership function of this evaluation system. And provide thebasis for the next step to determine the division of the old industrial building securitylevel of non-natural forces.(3) The Analytic Hierarchy Process old industrial building, non-natural forcessecurity level classification. Determine the weights of the various safety indicators.Build a safety evaluation index of judgment matrices. The consistency test. Then the useof fuzzy matrices and weight values to the synthesis method of calculation, the finalfuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the non-natural forces of the old industrial buildings.To prove the feasibility and applicability of the evaluation system, the set of evaluationsystem used in engineering instance, and the authority of the expert analysis andevaluation that the evaluation system operable, accurate evaluation, has some practicalvalue.(4) In the safety assessment of non-natural forces of the old industrial buildingson the basis of, Functional model of the design of early warning systems, the structuralmodel, process model; and recommended the use of advanced technology, The use ofperiodic testing strategy, understand and control the status of the safety of non-naturalforces of the old industrial building, the timely detection of potential dangers and takepreventive measures before the accident, timely warning and take timely measures,thereby establishing a perfect non-natural forces of the old industrial buildingssecurityearly warning systems.
Keywords/Search Tags:non-natural forces of the old industrial buildings, safety assessment, safetywarning
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