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Contemporary Interpretation Of Theory Of Limits To Growth

Posted on:2014-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C ChangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330398450193Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In1972, the Club of Rome published its first research report the Limits to Growth. The theory of limits to growth, which was demonstrated in this book, has showed unique depth of thought and charm of theory in the fierce debate in the past41years.The proposer of the theory put forward the question on promoting the economic growth in the opposite direction and illustrated the view of limits to growth on the basis of model deduction. The theory, which was constrained by academic background, academic vision, historical background, environmental conditions and cognitive limitations, was regarded as scientific hypothesis to explain the whole world growth. The understanding of the theory to the academics, politicians and populace experienced constantly revised and gradually deepening process from part to the whole and extreme or biased to relatively objective.The theory provides a frame of reference for people to think about the question of growth and development and reminds people of the obstacles and difficulties of development. It gives us beneficial enlightenment on the relationships of finite&infinite, growth&development, current&future. Although growth is a necessary requirement and important basis for the development, it is not equal to development. It does not only play a supporting role, but also have negative effects on the development. There is a limit on the speed of economic growth. However, there is no limit to development of human society.There is also inevitably inseparable internal relationship just like the inner link of growth and development. Theory of Limits to Growth emphasizes that there are limits to the growth, advocates a positive and reliable concept of development and puts forward the concept of "global equilibrium". In a certain sense, the theory of sustainable development is based on the Theory of Limits to Growth, and the Theory of Limits to Growth is an important source of the sustainable development theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Limits to Growth, Theory of Limits to Growth, Club of Rome, SustainableDevelopment Theory
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