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State Of The Environment And Emissions Trading Practice In Shaanxi Province

Posted on:2013-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330395967979Subject:Environmental engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Global warming has become the consensus of more scholars in the research on future environmental change. The driving factors of climate change were also recognized carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, and the goals of cutting greenhouse gas emissions was shared by countires in the world. For developing countires, how to balance the economice development and contral greenhouse gas emission, as well as protecting the environment has become a common concern of economics, environmental and other related fields scholars.Evironmental pollution can not be ignored and have an important impact on the current and future human survivial and development. Eviromental capacity is limited within a certain time and space, and the total emissions of pollutant are also limited, so we need contral for total pollutant. On this basis, some good results were achieved with the implementation of emissions trading under the promoted by scholars and government in foreign countires. Emissions trading in China was late and small scale relatively, but it still may well be a beneficial trying.With the quickly development of economic in Shaanxi province, more questions in environment were come out. Emissions trading about SO2and NOx carried out7times and3times respectively in Shaanxi province. The emission rights index of SO2was18574.8tons,turnover of11054.1million Yuan, and of NOx3419.2tons. turnover of3001.6million Yuan.The regulation and system of emission trading in Shaanxi province has yet to be further improved. As a pilot province, state matching funds were not yet carried out, so the impact of the emissions trading platform trading work of insufficient funds. In emission trading, for all new and the need for the total project, implemented strict of emission trading system, and optimize trading program, improve emission trading in Shaanxi province. Conduct of Shaanxi province for the first time the COD and NOx trading, total compensation for the use of four major pollatants. The four pollutants emission reduction (SO2,NOx, COD and ammonia), purchasing and storage and emissions trading emission rights expenditures on file, so that a clear balance of payments, and the track records of good trading emterprises. Enstablis a comprehensive emissions trading platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environement, emission trading, ShaanXi Province
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