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Regulation System For Food Safety Of Animal-Origin In Ireland

Posted on:2013-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330395486644Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The food of animal origin refers to all edible part of animal body, eggs and milk, which hasprovided human being good quality protein, fat, vitamin and minerals. Along with increasing level inpeople’s living standard, the consumption for food of animal-origin grows up substantially. At time ofimproving diet structure and increasing living standard, food of animal-origin also creates conditions forfarmer’s income growth, foreign exchange earnings and economic development.However, there have been a series of food scare outbreaks in China, most of which were relevant tofood of animal origin. Those food incidents significantly hampered the confidence of consumers andcaused tremendous economic losses. In light of serious food safety conditions, it is a huge challengefacing the government on how to strengthen the administration over quality and safety of food. There isstill a big gap between China and developed countries in food legislation and administration system.Therefore, we shall take reference from successful experience from other countries.European Union adopted a highest standard of protection for food safety in the world. As animportant agricultural country in EU, Ireland has started to reform its regulation system for food safetysince1990’s. Ireland has also become the first European counties in establishing independentcoordinating and supervising government bodies in regulation system, which provided valuablereference for the later set-up of European Food Safety Authority in2002.The thesis first had an overview on the two most important food scares in Irish history as well astheir impact on food safety system. Based on vast amount of reference documentation and first-handstudy materials, the author had a comprehensive analysis on food legislation and administration systemof Ireland. Focusing on cattle animal, it further elaborated animal whole-process digital identificationsystem and product labeling for beef–related product. The thesis further analyzed the Irish best practicefor food traceability illustrated by SuperValu supermarket case study. The author then had a deepanalysis on food incidents and alert system. In conclusion, the key factors attributing to Irish food safetysystem include (1)scaled and standardized farming system (2)whole-process quality control(3)completed food chain covering farming, slaughter and processing (4)sound administrative system(6)precautionary risk assessment mechanism. To this end, the author has come up with policysuggestions to establish a regulation system for food of animal-origin suited to China especially inimprovement over legislation and administration as well as risk assessment and information disclosuresystem.Although a number of studies have been done in EU country food control system, most are onlyfocused on policy and theory research. Moreover, In light of lack of first-hand study materials in thisarea, there is few country-based systematic analysis over Irish food safety system. This is also the maininnovation for this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ireland, Food of animal-origin, Safety, Regulation
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