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Optimization Of Land Use In Weishan Based On The Land Ecosystem Service Value

Posted on:2013-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330374993647Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ecosystem services is to maintain the environmental conditions of human survival,Theland is the carrier of variety of terrestrial ecosystems,Land use types change inevitablyinfluence ecosystem structure and functions and change the type and quantity of ecosystemservices supplied.Therefore, doing research on ecosystem services changed under landusetypes change in different regions can be provide more useful information for policy makers;For mankind to promote regional eco-environmental protection and sustainable developmenthave an important meaning.In this paper,based on the theoretical study of land use change and ecologicalservices,use the gray system dynamic GM(1,1)model predicts the ecological services trendsof weishan city,and use methods such as moving average、exponential smoothing predict theecological services from2010to2015.At the same time, future,based on the consideration ofland resource use,socio-economic development,taking the maximized ecosystem servicesvalue as the planning goal, this study built agrey、linear planning model and developed aseries of configuration optimization programs and strategies.The results indicated:(1) The overall trend of ecological services in weishan from2010to2015is downword,but fell to a very small range,this is primarily because the land use structure in weishancounty changed significantly in six years. Its value is reduced from6752million RMB to6751million RMB ftom the year2005to2010, The reason for this sort ofreduce is thereduction of arable land and construction land increase.(2) This study comes to a conclusion that the ecosystem services will continue to reduce.(3) Considering the current socio-economic conditions,we can come to three optimizationprograms,the ecosystem service value of each of these three programsare higer than6752million RMB, Which means all these three programs can improve the currenteco-environment.(4) Protecting farmland,improving forest land and water area or so,all these are needed,Which is essential for sustainable development and eco-environment construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecosystem Service Value, Land use Strueture Optimization, Weishan, GrayLinear Programming
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