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Chongqing Rural Public Goods Supply Study

Posted on:2013-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330374959697Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Balancing urban and rural development was placed the first at the third plenum of the sixteenth National people's congress of Communist Party of China. The new rural construction was raised at the fifth plenum of the sixteenth National people's congress of Communist Party of China.The basic requirements of the new rural construction are: Production development, life well-off, rural atmosphere is civilized, village neatly and democratic management. Promoting the rural public goods supply is the key to build new socialistic country and balance urban and rural development. Increasing the quantity and the quality of public goods are very important for increasing farmers' income,developing the rural economy and narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas. Provision of public goods is one of the basic functions of the government.This article contains five parts:the first part is Introduction, the introduction deeply analyze the causese and meaning of the topic theme, research method, summary of research on supply of rural public goods in China and abroad, basic definition, the new requirements of the rural public goods supply under the balancing urban and rural developt。 The Second part contains three aspect:(i) describing the basic situation of Wuxi county。(ii) Analyzing the present situation of rural public goods supply in Wuxi county, it analyzese the productive public goods, the living public goods,the ecological environment construction and the developmental public goods。(iii) Analyze the farmers'needs of public goods by their satisfaction and priority on rural public goods。 The third part, it analyzese the problems of rural public products supply in Wuxi county by these facters, such as:the financial input, the number of public goods, the comparison with Wushan county,Fengjie county,Yunyang county and the average level of rural public goods in Chongqing, the farmers'satisfaction and priority of rural public goods。The main Problems of the rural public goods supply are lacking total supplyment, partial public goods supply are inefficient and the structure between suppliment and need is imbalanced。The fourth part, the reason analysis of rural public goods supply, this article analyzese the history changes of the backward system, the local economic development, the single master who provide public goods, the single financing channels, the decision-making mechanisms are not scientific, and geographical factors of the local rural area。The fifth part, the Countermeasures of improving rural public goods supply in Chongqing。This part contains:development of local economy, diversification of supply master and the meaning of production, diversification of funding channels, decision making mechanisms are scientific, the village community-building and drawing advanced experience from domestic and foreign。...
Keywords/Search Tags:The rural public goods, Supply, Demand, Dalance urban and ruraldevelopment
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