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Research On Career Management Of Professional And Technical Stafff In SMEs

Posted on:2012-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330338465025Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)are an important component of market economy, they are able to provide a large number of employment opportunities for the community.In our country,more than 76% of employees work in SMEs in 2009.SMEs also have a great contributions for economic development.Therefore,many countries regard the development of SMEs as an important strategy for socio-economic development. In recent years, the number and scale of SMEs growing fast, but there are also many problems, high professional and technical staff turnover is an important aspect.Professional and technical staff are engaged in professional work within SMEs,they are the core employees of SME, they hold the key of technology.But in recent years, lots of problems in the career management of professional and technical staff in SMEs through analysis, mainly the following points:corporate culture does not match career management; they lack the professionals for career management;training and development system can not meet the career development needs;performance appraisal does not match career management;compensation management does not match career management; career path are relatively homogeneous; occupational data repository is not perfect and so on.This article argues for that SMEs can solve the above problem through the establishment of career management system professional and technical staff,scheme consists of three phases: preparation phase,SMEs form career management team, analyze job,establish occupational information database;implementation phase,SMEs propagandize employees and managers, evaluate basic quality of staff,and so on;feedback phase,SMEs revise career management system constantly.Through SMEs re-design professional and technical personnel career management system,they can tap the full potential of employees, encourage employees to continue to grow, increase their enthusiasm, satisfaction and loyalty for work, so as to increase cohesion and retain the best talent,SMEs will be able to maintain the sustainable development and achieve"win-win".Currently, the research on the career management in our country is still in the initial stage, regarding career management of professional and technical staff in SMEs are even fewer. Many people think that the survival problem as the most important issue,so the research on career management has no value. This article analyzed the double excellent results for business through career management by standing on the perspective of SME managers, and also help enterprises to design a career system for professional and technical staff. Hope this article has a help for small and medium enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:SMEs, professional and technical staff, career management
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