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Research On Programming Art Of CCTV-5's Sports News

Posted on:2013-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X N ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330374950210Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, TV channels and TV shows entered a period of intense competition. In the news source of identity, news content is similar to the case, television news program layout role salience, because of scheduling technology and art directly affects the overall image of TV news program, and then affect the communication effect. TV sports news too,but the current study sports news editing books, literature is not rich.Through analysis of the layout in the TV sports news and the role of design principles, through to the sports news producer Mr. Luo Gang interviews, reviews of the CCTV-5"sports news " orchestration development course,"sports news" was initially based on CNN as templatlate, follow the " three stage" mode. This arrangement mode is simple, the advantage of convenient operation, in the arrangement of sequence is gengerally to the importance of news for reference, the most important on headline news value,then according to the sequence, although this model highlights the headlines, but the shortcomings are obvious,the programs oyerall poor sense of long time, difficult to attract the audience.In this paper, on the basis of the present research, draw lessons from communication studies, psychology and other theories, with plenty of examples, from the order, structure, rhythm three angle analysed CCTV-5"sports news" arrangement.from order perspective,"sports news" in the content selection to competitive sports information transmission, especially for Chinese athletes in the domestic and international major sports coverage accounted for a considerable proportion, layout to single and combined report combination mode. From a structural point of view,"sports news" special subject, interval segmentation method segmentation, and pay attention to the use of the host language, subtitles, flower and other external factors and technical means to help smooth, structural clarity. "Sports news" in the arrangement of rhy thm, length, speed reached weight balance and harmonny, it is necessary to grasp the time rhythm, psychological rhythm, pay attention to the broadcast advertising location and length.Based on the analysis of "sports news" arrangement present situation at the same time,put forward how to reasonabl e use of choreography skills improve program and the dissemination effect, pointed out at present "Sports news" scheduling problems, and puts forward some operable suggestions, It is worth montioning that, the pa,per also uses a number of exampl es, these examples demonstrate the various views, make the abstract theory has hecome more intuttive, easy to understand the viewpoint of the article.
Keywords/Search Tags:TV sports news program, arrangement, audience, communciationeffect
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