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Design And Implementation Of New Rural Cooperative Medical Management Information System For WeiFang City

Posted on:2012-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Z LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330371450905Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Main functions of the new rural cooperative medical management system are the collection of rural cooperative medical care funds, payment, approval of management. System uses B/S structure that the Internet approach to architecture, to the Ministry of Health's new "new rural cooperative medical information system basic norms" as the standard, using the world's popular C# programming language, data in the online transmission using the world the most popular SSL encryption for data encryption, ensuring data security.System provides a variety of powerful query and management functions. It is simple, elegant interface, process flexibility, security, monitoring and strong. System provides a large amount of data dictionary, powerful, with the actual situation and related to changes in policy. Cooperative medical fund managers can use to conduct supervision and management, to avoid business loopholes. The use of fingerprint biometric technology to achieve business process automation, standardization, co-medical staff to reduce labor intensity. Patient compensation, referral and related application for approval and a series of related business can be achieved using electronic signatures online mobile office, complete the online application or approval, to effectively improve the efficiency of rural cooperative medical care.This paper first analyzes the audit of the implementation of the system application platform. Then, based on the application platform for the rural cooperative medical management of all aspects, from business processes, functional requirements, interface and database, etc., made a detailed analysis. Then the results of the analysis of a complete system design framework. This framework solves the participation of farmers for information management. In the design process, the authors used object-oriented technology and UML visual modeling tools to create system models. This paper also B/S three-tier structure model analysis, using B/S three-tier structure will separate database and management software, client access to different databases using ADO, the client and the middle layer, data servers using DCOM exchange. Implements a three-tier structure based on the information system development. After the last run and test the system, that basically meet the design requirements. This set of design and implementation of rural cooperative medical management system, management information systems for building similar to a certain reference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Participating farmers, B/S structure, Sqlserver, C#
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