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Teaching Information Technology In The Guidance Of Humanistic Theory

Posted on:2012-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330374953772Subject:Modern educational technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, information technology, network technology, multimedia technology has emerged, developed and perfected, mankind has entered the information age and the digital age. As a primary tool for information processing, Information technology is widely used in all areas of society, and it also impacts the traditional teaching in a unparalleled speed and influence, especially in education. In the traditional teaching model, teachers were active in class, students were passive recipients of external stimuli. The traditional "teacher-centered" teaching model ignored the student initiative and creativity. The main role of the students was not well reflected in class. This no doubt limited the thinking of the students, and more "high scores" than "high talents" were trained. The new curriculum reform requires developing the spirit of innovation and practical ability of the students step by step in school teaching. Thus classroom teaching reform is imperative.In order to achieve the new curriculum standards and improve the teaching effect, the author attempts to reform teaching information technology courses. The new curriculum emphasizes to pay the classroom activities to the students, and all teaching activities were students-centered, and This fits the theory of humanism. Thus, the core of this essay is: to teach the information technology in classroom in the guidance of humanistic theory.This essay starts from the present situation of information technology education, to explain the necessity and importance of education reform, and detailed analyze the characteristics of the learners and contents of their learning, thus design a reasonable and practical teaching plan and carry and verify the plan in the class practically. On the basis of the practical research, we finally find the information technology teaching methods in accordance to the Humanistic theory: to help the students learn in the context of practical significance, instruct the students to learn initiatively and actively, have confidence in students to learn independently. Conclusion: teaching information technology in accordance to the humanistic theory can improve teaching effectively; enhance the relationship between the teacher(s) and the students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Humanism, Information Technology, Teaching, non-guided
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