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Secondary Vocational School History Teacher Professional Development Explored

Posted on:2012-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330368977367Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
History curriculum has unique academic advantage and status in secondary vocational education. History teaching is often not taken seriously in secondary vocational school because of the school's traditional concept that emphasizes on skills rather than knowledge, which leads to negative effects on history teachers' professional development, resulting in teachers' few demands on their own professional development. Efficient education relies on excellent teacher. The professional development of history teacher in secondary vocational school plays an important role in improving teaching quality in history class and promoting humanistic literacy of students. Having list some problems existing at present during the professional development of history teacher in secondary vocational school, this paper analyzed the formation of factors, pointed out the contents and discussed the approaches to develop.This article can mainly be divided into four parts, making a research on the professional development of history teacher in secondary vocational school.The foreword analyzes the reasons, the significance, the present situation and trend of the research on this topic.First section is the definition of basic concept, primarily introducing two definitions, secondary vocational education and professional development of teacher. Via defining and comprehending the basic conceptions, we can have a good understanding and extending of the professional development of history teacher in secondary vocational education school.Section two analyzes the forming reasons and the existing problems concerning the professional development of history teacher in secondary vocational school. It has been researched that some history teachers in secondary vocational school don't have strong self-developing awareness, enough confidence on career, sense of achievement and so on. There are many factors accounting for this phenomenon, not only related to teachers themselves, but also linked to external factors like student, school and society, providing relevant theoretical basis for the approaches of the professional development.Section three mainly analyzes the contents. Teachers should not only equip themselves with basic specialized knowledge on history and education, but also form an advanced teaching concept, have outstanding teaching ability as well as distinct teaching style.The last section points out that the essential approach to develop teachers is making them face the reality. Moreover, they should actively transform their ideas, then stimulate professional development practically.Two purposes to write this article are as follows. On the one hand, I can further deepen my understanding about relevant problems on the professional development of history teacher in secondary vocational school. On the other hand, I hope my article would provide useful reference for the practice of secondary vocational education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Secondary vocational school, History teacher, Professional development
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