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A Study On The Reflective Learning Of Mathematics By High School Students

Posted on:2012-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R JiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The concept of Mathematics curriculum stated in the Standard for high School Matematics basically involves the continual reflection and construction in Maths learning as well as application. In fact, it has been found that few students have a serious attitude towards Maths learning, and nor develop their own process of reflection. In this study, the reflectional learning of Maths among high school students was investigated and analyzed through a questionnaire and the interviews. Some reflectional learning strategies were, then, put forward from the perspectives of before class, after class, and in class. In class teaching, students are suggested form the habit of reflectional learning by means of concepts teaching, solving teaching, class summary, and class accident. In terms of afterclass learning, the ability of reflection should be cultured in assignments, tests, communication, and phasic revision. Taking the great importance of reflectional learning of high school Maths, its introduction to the present Maths learning counts on teachers who should help students with self-reflection, at the same time, its formation and improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school students, Mathematics learning, reflectional learning, investigation
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