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Art In The Context Of Balanced Development Of Compulsory Education

Posted on:2012-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330338474136Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Education balance means that government should provide every child the equal condition, right and opportunity. It contains the balance of the starting point of education, the balance of allocation of education resource, the balance of education quality and the balance of education result, etc. The essence of education balance is that, under the idea and principle of education equality, organization and individual can get equal treatment in the education activities. To make sure this, it is necessary to make relevant education policy and legal system.When facing the problem of selecting school and balancing the development of the local compulsory education, the government of Tong Ling made some measures, such as balancing exudation resource, paying close attention to vulnerable group and standardizing the rules of running school. Then Tong Ling took the lead on balancing the development of the compulsory education in the whole country. But it is undeniable that there are still some problems in balancing the development of the compulsory education, like the uneven development between urban areas and suburbs, among schools and subjects. The author analyzed plenty of questionnaires, interview recordings and relevant document and made a discovery that there are still some problems in balancing the development of art education in primary schools of Tong Ling. For example, there are uneven distribution of art teacher among different schools and districts. People don't pay the same attention on art class, compared to other subjects. There are still differences in the equipment of art teaching among schools. The activities of art teaching and research are simple. And the equality of opportunities in art class isn't possible. The author analyzed the factors that influenced the balancing development of primary art class from these three aspects:the questions of key school's existence left by history, traditional views and big economic gap.
Keywords/Search Tags:Compulsory education, Balanced development, Education balance, Art education
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