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Research On The Right To Health

Posted on:2012-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As human beings, our health and the health of those we care about is a matter of daily concern. Regardless of our age, gender, socio-economic or ethnic background, we consider our health to be our most basic and essential asset. Ill health, on the other hand, can keep us from going to school or to work,from attending to our family responsibilities or from participating fully in the activities of our community. By the same token, we are willing to make many sacrifices if only that would guarantee us and our families a longer and healthier life. In short, when we talk about well-being, health is often what we have in mind.The right to health is a kind of social fundamental rights a series of international human right laws confirm and secure, Since WHO charter firstly initiated that health right should be protected hal f century ago, many countries has confirmed health right in their constitutions and take effective measures to ensure it.The right to health is a very hot issue disputed since it came into being,the focus of argument are principally what the right to health is, how to protect it, whether it can be reviewed or not and so on.According to this article,we think the right to health should be a legal right,and it can be reviewed.It is the access to all kinds of facilities, services and preconditions needed for the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of living, which are most provided by the country.As a kind of fundamental rights, the right to health includes not only adequate and immediate health care but also the underlying preconditions for health, such as a healthy environment, safe drinking water and adequate sanitation, occupational health and health-related information.This article including the preface has total seven parts.The preface carries on to elaborate to the textual meaning. Chapter 1 elaborate the concept,contents and properties of the healthy concept and right to health. Chapter 2 discussed the health right of special groups.Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 talked about the realization and remedy of health right..Chapter 5 compared the health right to other human rights.The last chapter analysed the condition of health right in China recently.The meaning of this article lies in:First is put forward own health right concept,enrich the contents of the right to health. Second is point out the problem of the protection of health right in China now,and also find a way to solve this condition.
Keywords/Search Tags:health, health right, special groups, protection
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