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The Research On The Aid Of The International Red Cross Organization To China To All-Round Period Of Anti-Japanese War

Posted on:2012-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330377491494Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this thesis, it uses the historical literature method as the basic research method. And it, drawing on international relations, international humanitarian law and other related subject knowledge. Through discourse on the aid of the International Red Cross organizations to china, in the financial, material, human and moral, completely sorts out the main process of the aid to China. At the same time, this thesis analyzes the negotiations between the Red Cross and the political forces and its effort to promote the aid to China. It also investigated the establishment of offices in China and the poor traffic situation that will be faced in transportation. Though these effort, it can be claimed that, the aid to China from the International Red Cross are affected by many factors and the final realization of the aspirations of humanity needs multiple forces to collaborate with.The humanitarian purposes and principles of neutrality of the Red Cross decide the content and character of aid to China. During the war period, it had distinct characteristics in aid to China. There were many countries involved and its object were specific, and the aid were abundant and diverse, which did not stop untill the war was over. Although there were some shortcomings in the rescue operations, it brought gospel for wounded and the refugees indeed in the war, and it also deepened international exchange and understanding between each other. Based on the investigation about the history of aid to China of the Red Cross, it provides the Mirroring and inspiration of the history in order to continue the spirit of the Red Cross. In nowadays, war and natural disasters still happen frequently, the rapid development of the love cause operated by the Red Cross, which inevitable has a positive and practical meaning.
Keywords/Search Tags:The All-Round Anti-Japanese War, International Red Cross, Aid to China
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