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Materialization Of Human Beings And Its Countermeasures In Modern Society

Posted on:2013-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HuaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330371978123Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Materialization of Human Beings has been of long standing. With the progress of society, development of human beings, more and more problems come up in front of human beings. Especially for Materialization of Human Beings, which has been researched continuously since long before, we must pay serious attention to this issue. In80s of20th century, there was one stormy discussion on dissimilation and humanitarianism, which makes materialization as the hottest topic. Stepping in to21st century, with slogan of 'human-oriented', issues of materialization are closely connected to construction of harmonious society.At the beginning of this paper, characteristics and Dilemma of modern society is discussed. Because of big progress of technology, fast development of economy, more and more globalization, different problems of society also become more exposed, of which Materialization of Human Beings is one of the top issues that need to be considered and overcome in modern society.Secondly, focusing on the original generation and further development step, the mind of Materialization is investigated. As human culture is the result of long time accumulation, materialization has abundant theory sources. From Hobbes, Rousseau, Hegel,Feuerbach to Marx, with the unstoppable development and complement, the understanding of materialization have been always with disputes.Thirdly, further investigation is performed on the reason and phenomenon of materialization of human beings, as well as the results. In practical life of human beings, unaccountable civilization achievement are created, in the meantime, many social problems are encountered. In modern society, science and technology is first productivity, economic activities become most popular topics and communications among the world gets more frequent, with all factors above, materialization of modern society has new appearance, at the same time, brings more severe and serious problems.At last, some ideas are brought up to overcome the negative impact of materialization of human beings. Actually, Marx did not give specific solutions for materialization, however, some clues can be found from Marx's works. In the modernization of China, if achievements of others can be well taken as reference with specific focus on local features, problems of materialization can be solved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern society, materialization, evolution, solutions
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