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Interpretation Of Short Stories-From The Perspective Of Negative Writing In The First Decade Of The 21st Century

Posted on:2012-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C S HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338970994Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Short stories are mature in a wealth of creation and fertile ideas for the first decade of the 21st century(2000-2009). Large quantities of high-qulality works have emerged during this period of time, such as The crickets by Bi Yufei, Upside by Wang Xiangfu, White-Water and Green Vegetables by Pang Xiangli, A Jar of Pork Fat by Chi Zijian and so on. Most of works of excellence have taken the main theme of cruelty and pity, grudge and struggle, negation and expectation, resistance and redemption, or sincerity and blessings. Short stories are characterized by "terseness" "plainess" "triviality" and "fastness", which echor the "hot" "focused" or "challenging" social problems in the reality. The writers present the dignity or honor of those works to the readers with their tender conscience. From the tendency of creation, the short stories have surpassed the narrow-minded literary concepts as well as its experiment. Meanwhile, those works have formed its own characters and features. There is no doubt that there are still some problems existed in the development of short stories. Some scholars have written articles to discuss the flaws or impefection of the short stroies. For instance, "modesty","patience", "imagination" and "thoughts" are discarded by the writers in the process of creation. What's more, some writers take the negative attitudes towards writing nowadays, which hinders the development of short stories.This thesis focuses on the short stories to analyse the negative writing. Specifically, negative writing will result in vulgar style, which consists of four aspecdts:lacking of lofty ideals, proper values, upright morality and meannigful language. This problem is caused by subjective and objective aspects. The subjective aspect is that the writers don't go deep among masses so they don't have much experience to recreate the real life. The objective aspect is that the ever-changing literary environment in the present time are forcing the writers to create negatively. The literary environment is changing because of the impact of the movie and TV well as the marketization.Finally, the thesis tries to promote the development of short stories soundly by analyzing the negative writing with illustrations.
Keywords/Search Tags:the first decade of the 21st century, short stories, negative writing, phenomenon, causes
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