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A Study On ZhuHeling's "The Small Collection Of Yu'an"

Posted on:2012-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338471075Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhu Heling, as an adherent writer during the transition between Ming and Qing dynasty, was well-known for his prolific works, among which "The collection of Yu'an"(hereinafter named as "collection"), the only adherent collection embodied in "imperial collection of four" in Qing dynasty, had left a rich heritage to the later generation in terms of Confucian classics, history and literary. However, a number of researchers have little work on him and his masterpiece. Based on the previous studies, this paper intends to comprehensively explore the artistic value and creation background of the "collection".This paper consists of four sections.The introduction analyzes the background and the creation context, under which a special group of adherents lived. Zhu Heling is an important member of the group, whose living pattern and writing style was greatly influenced by the time of the transition between Ming and Qing dynasty.The first chapter mainly talks about Zhu Heling's life experiences and contemporary friends. Zhu's life experiences and friends-making are divided into different periods thoroughly based on the existed literature in the hope of laying them out clearer in the concrete time and space.The second chapter makes a comparison among the various versions of the "Collection", especially the compassion with the photocopied version from "imperial collection of four", and has found out some missing articles in the "imperial collection of four" through some checks and analysis. In addition, this chapter analyzes the reasons for the deletion of those articles and makes a correction to the mistakes in the two versions of the " Collection".The third chapter discusses the artistry of the "Collection", which is the focal and innovative part of this essay. This chapter selects some masterworks from the aspects of "poems "and " articles", gives a detailed description to the artistry by means of the Western aesthetic ideas and finally explains the writing style of Zhu Heling and his influence from Qu Yuan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mr. Zhu Heling, adherents, "The collection of Yu'an"
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