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Demonstration And Extention Of Integrated Techniques For Ecological Citrus Orchards In Hilly Area

Posted on:2012-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ecological citrus orchard model was explored in Fujian to solve the enviromental pollution and pest outbreak in citrus orchards and to obtain both economic and environmental benefits. Based on the previous ecological citrus orchard model, the new model was developed from three aspects of grass selection and planting pattern, soil improvement and pest control. Therefore, different grass planting pattern, using TC to improve the soil with green manure grass planting and pest control techniques were investigated to promot the integrated techniques for ecological citrus orchard. The developed model of ecological citrus orchard was demostrated and extended in Fujian.The mixed grass cultivation model of"one planting, regrowing every year"was proposed and implemented in ecological citrus orchards. TC was used to improve the soil quality and environment in ecological citrus orchards by improving soil physical characteristics, increasing water and fertilizer preserving capability, and microorganism quantity, which could greatly help the survival of citrus seedling and citrus growing. An integrated pest control techniques was developed to sustainbly control moth, mites, scales, fruit flies, and citrus greening disease by scientifically assemble physical, chemical and biological control techniques.
Keywords/Search Tags:citrus, ecological environment, soil improvement, pest control, comprehensive technique
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