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Strategies For Optimizing Regional Layout Of Shaanxi Apple Varieties

Posted on:2012-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S W JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2213330371452677Subject:Agricultural extension
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Weibei Loess Plateau of Shaanxi province is one of the best apple production area in China, where the environmental conditions meet seven meteorological indicators in line with the need for optimal apple production. Since 1978, significant progresses in apple production have been made in Shaanxi province. By 2010, Shaanxi province ranked the firet in both the total apple growing area with 601.5 thousand hectares and the total yield with 8.5601 million tons. However, there are still some problems existing in the apple industries. For example, the existing proportion of growing apple varieties could be more reasonable and better balanced in regional distribution, and adoption of new cultivation techniques to the new cultivars is still needed. To solve these problems, surveys of growing apple varieties and apple production were carried out in the major apple production counties. Based on the survey results along with the knowledge learned from the developed countries, a new strategy for optimizing the existing proportion of regional apple varieties was developed in order to solve the problems and increase the market competitivity of Shaanxi apple.Problems in Shaanxi apple varieties1) The current proportions of apple production, including 2.05% from early-, 15.37% from middle-, and 82.58% from late-maturing varieties, are not optimal in Shaanxi Province. Most of the apple production, 82.58%, was produced from late-maturing varieties, of which'Fuji'has 70.4% of total annual production. This situation does not meet either the current or the future market requirements for a wide range of apple varieties with different flavors.2) Apple production for table and processing fruits in our province are totally out of balance. Theoretically, 3-4 million tons of processing apples, accounting for 40-50% of the province's total production, are annually needed. However, almost no processing varieties of apple is currently growing in our province, instead, processing apples we used are generally from low quality table fruits.3) A considerable number of apple growers are growing low commercial value apples due mainly to the poor cultivars and plants, which were accidently delivered to some growers. Poor supervision of nursery markets is responsible for these unintentionally adopted inappropriate apple cultivars. 4) Our apple production is lack of local brand. Exotic apples are still dominating cultivars with about 90% growing area; in contrast, the major local cultivars Qingguan and Qingyang have only about 10.2% growing area. 5) Adoption of new cultivation techniques is still needed to facilitate the growing of new cultivars. The major reasons for the low profit in apple production for some growers include the poor site conditions, inadequate investment, improper pollination and fruit set problems, and lack of technological innovation.Suggestion for Optimization of Shaanxi apple varieties1) Further optimization of apple varieties is needed. For northern parts of Weibei area, it is more suitable to grow red late- or middle late- maturing varieties for table fruits. An optimal proportion of early, middle and late-maturing varieties is 5% : 20% :75%. Suitable proportion of fresh and processing apples is 70% : 30%. For the southern parts of Weibei area, it is suitable to grow both fresh and processing varieties at an optimal ratio of 50% : 50%. A suitable proportion of early-, middle- and late-maturing varieties is 10% : 30% : 60%. In the northern parts of Shaanxi, late- or middle late- maturing varieties with better cold tolerance and higher adaptability is preferable. An appropriate proportion of early, middle and late-maturing varieties is (2-3)% :17-18)% :80%. Guanzhong area is not a major apple production area in Shaanxi. It is suitable to grow early- or medium early-maturing varieties. The ratio of early- versus middle-maturing varieties is 55% : 45%, the proportion of fresh and processing varieties is 60% : 40%.2) Healthy plant nursery industries and markets are extremely important for our healthy apple production. We need to fully implement the"Seed Law of People's Republic of China"and "Shaanxi Provincial Fruit Seeds and Seedlings management approach". More attentions should be paid on: a) germplasm collection, preservation and evaluation; b) improvement of apple cultivars through breeding and adoption of new cultivars; c) micropropagation of virus-free scions and rootstocks; and d) development of standard procedure for the release of new cultivars or rootstock.3) To strengthen and improve our current nursery management systems for novel apple cultivars and rootstocks: a) establishment of new proliferation systems for new cultivars and b) development of high standard nursery industrials and bases.4) Field trials are the key for successful adoption of new apple varieties. More attentions need to be paid on development of novel demonstration orchards or bases, replacement of old orchards or cultivars, and training the apple growers with updated apple growing skills.
Keywords/Search Tags:shaanxi province, optimization, apple varieties, regional distribution
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